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虽然全球金融危机已经结束,但过去的几年全球经济复苏迟缓,金融危机带来的影响还没有消失。因此,在企业仍不看好未来经济走势的背景下,2013年全球金属产业的并购同比下滑,无论是并购交易金额还是交易数量。在2013年全球金属产业并购中,前十大并购中属于钢铁产业的并购并不多,而且,其中中国有关钢铁企业的并购并不是我们通常所说的并购。不过,在2013年全球金属产业未完成的5大并购均是与钢铁产业有关,特别是在今年初完成交易的安赛乐米塔尔公司与新日铁住金集团合资并购蒂森克虏伯公司美国 Although the global financial crisis has ended, the global economic recovery has been sluggish in the past few years and the impact of the financial crisis has not disappeared. Therefore, in the context of the enterprises are still not optimistic about the future economic trend, the global metal industry mergers and acquisitions in 2013 year-on-year decline, both the amount of mergers and acquisitions transactions or the number of transactions. In the 2013 global metal industry mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions belong to the steel industry in the top ten mergers and acquisitions is not much, and, of which the Chinese mergers and acquisitions of steel companies is not what we commonly refer to mergers and acquisitions. However, the five unfinished mergers and acquisitions in the global metal industry in 2013 were all related to the steel industry. In particular, ArcelorMittal, which completed the transaction earlier this year, and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Co., Ltd. jointly acquired ThyssenKrupp United States
叮咚!亲爱的“红粉”,你收到了新消息,请读取——  科技日新月异,“红红”也要与时俱进啦!  2016年4 期《红领巾·探索》引进了增强现实技术,带给你超越纸质的4D阅读体验,快去感受一下吧!  注意!注意!  《红领巾·萌芽》《红领巾·成长》今后也会相继推出4D阅读的内容哟!  所以,一定要时时关注“红红”呀!  3月4日,四川省邛崃市宝林小学乡村学校少年宫“学雷锋”志愿者服务队的58名少先队员
汾河两岸有大面积的冲积滩地,明朝以前人们就利用河边滩地,开挖荷地,栽种红莲藕.新绛县桥东村沿河种植的200余亩红莲藕,亩产高达5,800斤.栽培管理方法是: Fen River banks
PGE_1 对各种不同肝损伤因子引起的肝损伤均具有保护作用,其疗效显著.但对肝硬变细胞因子的影响尚未查见报道.近年来研究表明,细胞因子在肝硬变发生发展中起着重要作用,已被
英国陆军逐步淘汰装备于阿尔维斯公司的“蝎”式履带式战斗侦察车的76mm火炮,它的主要基型侦察车是1974年开始服役的装有30mm火炮的“大弯刀”履带式战斗侦察车。 为了弥补
Background Patients with epilepsy are at risk of sudden unexpected death. Neu rogenic cardiac arrhythmias have been postulated as a cause. Electrocardiograms (E