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我市城镇进入低保的人口约16万人,农村特困人员更多。全市残疾人口约为35万人,其中大部分残疾家庭生活不宽裕,相当多残疾人家庭生活处于贫困状态。雁峰区一户残疾人家庭三口人,父亲下岗,母亲患小儿麻痹症,行走困难,儿子三十余岁因先天性大脑不全生活不能自理,全家生活来源仅靠父亲摆小摊一月挣三百余元来维持,生活极其困难。全家资产不到数千元,家用电器只有电灯和一台老式收音机。市量具刃具厂的特困户,几乎都是残疾人家庭或家中有患重病的人,收入微薄或无生活来源,连温饱都难以维持,更谈不上看病买药。城区一残疾人家庭,父亲年迈多病,母亲因病去世,儿子双腿残疾。全家生活靠儿子画画勉强糊口。画技不高,往往花几天画一张画卖不到二十元钱。春节期间,我到该家 The population of our cities and towns entering the minimum living allowance is about 160,000, with more people in the rural destitute areas. The city's population of about 350,000 people with disabilities, most of whom are not well-off living families, a considerable number of disabled families living in poverty. Yanfeng District, a disabled family of three people, laid-off father, mother suffering from polio, walking difficulties, thirty-year-old son due to congenital cerebral insufficiency can not take care of themselves, the family source of life only rely on his father put stalls in January earned three Hundreds of dollars to maintain, life is extremely difficult. Family assets less than a few thousand dollars, only the electric home appliances and an old radio. Municipal measuring tools cutting edge plant families, almost all families with disabilities or at home with seriously ill people, poor income or no source of income, and even food and clothing are difficult to maintain, let alone see a doctor to buy medicine. A disabled urban family, his father sick and sick, his mother died of illness, his legs disabled. Family life by his son drawing barely subsistence. Painting skills are not high, often take a few days to paint a painting sold less than twenty dollars. During the Spring Festival, I went to the house
时间正在一天天衰老,哪里才是它生命的尽头。——题记明天,一个孤独而又寂寞的词语,它每天似乎都在进行着无休止的永恒运动——追逐,再追逐; Time is aging day by day, whe
山西神头电厂三期工程土建结构全部为混凝土和钢筋混凝土结构,混凝土总量为17万米~3。如何提高混凝土质量、节约水泥是一项重要任务。 The civil engineering structure of
主持人: 我县某镇一村民委员会于1990年秋聘用该村马某任通信员,又于1995 年转至村办企业工作。2003年底,该村民委员会通知马某不再聘用他,并及时足额付清马某工作期间的全都
火山之所以要沉默,是因为它准备着爆发! 这是一次以问卷形式收集起来的琼浆玉液,囊括所有高三战士们发自内心的感受:有纷杂的思绪,有美好的憧憬,有非常的感情, 有决死一战的
1.用一句话概括以下一则新闻的要点。(不超过15个字)据新华社消息,2009年4月22日10时55分,中国在太原卫星发射中心用“长征二号丙”运载火 1. Summarize the main points of