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雨季造林是加快荒山荒地绿化的重要途径,雨季造林在我省有着传统的习惯,每年的七、八月份是降水集中的多雨季节,温度高、湿度大、墒情好,是荒山造林的主要季节。雨季造林时间性强,技术要求严,造林难度大,造林可用树种少,为了充分利用雨季的有利时机,搞好造林,提高造林成活率,对其雨季造林技术及管理要点进行阐述。 Afforestation in the rainy season is an important way to speed up the afforestation of the barren hills and wastelands. Afforestation in the rainy season has a traditional habit in our province. July and August each year are the rainy seasons with concentrated precipitation. The temperature is high, the humidity is high, and the soil moisture is good. Rainy season afforestation time, strict technical requirements, difficult afforestation, afforestation less available trees, in order to make full use of the favorable opportunity of the rainy season, improve afforestation, improve afforestation survival rate, afforestation techniques and management points of its rainy season.
通过分析说明探究求合力的方法中小圆环的重力、橡皮条的拉伸方向不影响实验结果,但橡皮条被拉伸后弹性的变化会导致实验误差,并提出实验改进建议。 By analyzing the gravi
大力开展森林城市建设,有效增加森林面积,是新世纪我国城市发展的重要方向。“森林(生态)城市”是具有森林生态环境的城市,是以城市及周边地区林木 To vigorously carry out
Objective: This study was designed to determinewhether regulatory regions p250 of c-fos gene wereresponsive to SeO2 and to seek the possible mechanisms of regul
中国杂技是历史悠久的传统表演艺术之一。广义的杂技是各种超常技艺的统称,古代又称为“杂伎”、“杂技乐”。在原始艺术综合发展的阶段,它与乐舞不分,成为当时文化的主导。    秦代把民间流传的角抵戏引入宫廷。汉代更将角抵戏发展为包括多种乐舞杂技节目的角抵百戏,其中弄剑、跳丸、倒立、走索、舞巨兽、耍大雀、马上技艺、车上缘杆、顶竿、人兽相斗、五案、七盘、鱼龙漫延、戏狮等节目,盛极一时。  元封三年(公元前1
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