抓规范上等级 不断加大档案管理力度

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随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,档案作为决策依据,知识信息、科学管理在公路运输管理部门中将越来越发挥着重要的作用。公路运输具有点多、面广、线长、经济成份复杂的特点,公路运输管理机关除担负着旅客运输、货物运输、装卸搬运、汽乍维修、运输服务等五大行业管理,市场监督和行政执法外,还要对本系统的工作进行具体的业务指导和协调。由此形成了大量而又复杂的运输企业和社会、个体经营者开业申请、登记、经济技术资格审批,客运线路申报和市场行为的专业原始档案资料。具有与其它部门不同的独特性和复杂性。为了全面提高档案工作的科学管理水平,促使全市运管系统档案管理达到系统化、标准化、规范化、现代化的目的。我们在狠抓人员培洲,提高整体素质的同时,以建章立制,加快档案基础设施建设为重点,抓规范、上等级,不断加大档案 With the gradual establishment of the socialist market economic system, archives will play more and more important roles in the road transport administration as a basis for decision-making, knowledge and information management. Highway transportation has the characteristics of more points, wider area, longer lines and complex economic components. The road transport administration authority shoulders the responsibilities of management of five major industries such as passenger transport, cargo transport, loading and unloading, auto repair, transportation service, market supervision and administrative enforcement In addition, we must also provide specific operational guidance and coordination to the work of this system. As a result, a large number of complex and original transport enterprises and social and self-employed operators to open the application, registration, approval of economic and technical eligibility, passenger line declaration and market behavior of professional original file information. It has different uniqueness and complexity from other departments. In order to fully improve the scientific management of archives work, to promote the city’s transport management system archives to achieve systematic, standardized, standardized and modern purposes. While we pay close attention to personnel training and improvement of overall quality, we focus on establishing the file system and establishing an archival infrastructure.
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