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我的父亲邓文钊生前追随宋庆龄、廖承志参加国际统一战线工作。他们身边——不论在香港,还是在北京——都团结着一批外籍友好人士。这些人有的住在海外,有的到中国定居,也有的加入了中国籍,他们的共同点,就是热爱中国,为中国革命事业作过贡献。 改革开放以前,中国和西方国家之间没有直接通航。在中国的外国朋友那时如果要回国探亲或办事,都须经过香港。我家在香港,有 My father, Deng Wenzhao, was born to follow Soong Ching Ling and Liao Chengzhi took part in the international united front work. Around them - whether in Hong Kong or in Beijing - have united a group of foreign friends. Some of these people live overseas, others settle in China or join Chinese. What they all have in common is to love China and make its contribution to the cause of the Chinese revolution. Before the reform and opening up, there was no direct navigation between China and Western countries. At that time, foreign friends in China must go through Hong Kong if they want to return to visit relatives or work abroad. My home is in Hong Kong
著名男高音歌唱家蔡绍序,于1909年出生在四川省安岳县思贤乡。思贤乡原名马家场,是距县城仅15公里的一个比较热闹的集镇。那时的 The famous tenor Cai Chaoshu was born i
目的:分析老年患者术后谵妄(postoperative delirium, POD)的危险因素,探究术后中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比率(neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, NLR)的水平与老年患者POD的关系。方法
[Abstract] Grammar plays a significant role in language teaching. It is difficult for students to speak English without learning English grammar. However, the traditional teaching methods are so borin
  Graphene has attracted much attention of both experimental and theoretical researches now.And recently,the studies of metal adsorption on graphene have beco