马林 少年英才多自信

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在中国乒乓球队这个群星灿烂的的团体中,每个人都有一批坚定的拥护者。而马林、王励勤和刘国正3位年轻选手中,英俊的马林拥有更多的星迷。在中国乒乓网的一次聊天中,马林的网迷来了一大批,创下了人气纪录。 说起中国乒乓球队的大球之路,是马林开了一个好头,在奥运会后的扬州世界杯单打比赛中,马林拿到了冠军。在大阪世乒赛前预测男单冠军时,乐观的中国人分成了鲜明的两派,一方拥护2000年国际乒联职业巡回赛总决 In the splendid Chinese table tennis team, everyone has a strong line of advocates. Marin, Wang Liqin and Liu Guosheng three young players, handsome Marin has more star fans. In a chat in China’s Ping-Pong Network, Marin’s fans came to a large number of Internet, setting a record of popularity. Speaking of the Chinese table tennis team’s big ball road, Marin opened a good head, in the Yangzhou World Cup singles after the Olympics, Marin won the championship. Optimistic about the men’s singles championship in Osaka World Championships in the forecast, the optimistic Chinese divided into two distinct groups, one side champion 2000 ITTF Pro Tour Championships
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