Influence of cooling conditions on X70 pipeline steel in-service welding HAZ

来源 :China Welding | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dashler
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The chamber device was designed and set up to simulate the in-service welding. The results show: the t_ 8/5 , t_ 8/3 and inner wall peak temperature T_p decrease with the cooling rate increases. The welding energy is carried off by flowing medium, the cooling rate increases, and many unbalanced microstructures such as granular bainite, martensite and M-A generate; it worsens the properties of HAZ. Under air-cooling, the cooling rate is slow, the austenite grain grows obviously, the lath ferrite crosses the whole austenite, and it causes the hardness value is also big. The change of HAZ width is not obvious with the increase of cooling rate; and burn-through is not susceptible to the cooling rate. The quench microstructures increase and the hydrogen does not outflow from the HAZ easily when increase the cooling rate, so the susceptibility of hydrogen cracking increases. The results show: the t_8/5, t_8/3 and inner wall peak temperature T_p decrease with the cooling rate increases. The welding energy is carried off by by flowing medium, the cooling rate increases, and many unbalanced microstructures such as granular bainite, martensite and MA generate; it worsens the properties of HAZ. Under air-cooling, the cooling rate is slow, the austenite grain grows obviously, the lath ferrite crosses the whole of austenite, and it causes the hardness value is also big. The change of HAZ width is not obvious with the increase of cooling rate; and burn-through is not susceptible to the cooling rate. The quench microstructures increase and the hydrogen does not outflow from the HAZ easily when increase the cooling rate, so the susceptibility of hydrogen cracking increases.
74LS164是八位串行移位寄存器,用在8031单片机系统中,可达到扩展I/O 口的目的。其引脚见图1。在实际应用中,作者尝试了以下两种方法。1.用于串行口8031单片机有串行I/O 口(p
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