
来源 :广东第二课堂 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eclipse
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A顾客到一家小商店去买糕点,店里惟一的一台天平的两臂不一样长,但一时又找不出可以替代的称量器具.店主想出了下面的一种称量方法.他在天平的右盘中放上糕点,天平平衡时读出左盘中砝码重量为m1;然后再将糕点放在左盘上,同样读出右盘中的砝码重量m2.店主就按这两次重量的平均数 A customer went to a small shop to buy cakes. The only scales in the shop were not the same length of arms, but they could not find any alternative weighing apparatus. The shopkeeper came up with the following weighing method. Put the cake on the right side of the scale. When the balance is balanced, read out the weight of the left plate and weight it to m1; then place the pastry on the left plate and read out the weight of the right plate. m2. The owner clicks this. Average of two weights
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春夏秋冬,是美丽、各具风韵的四季。她们不停地交替着,总是客气地送给我们精美无双的礼物。 春天,是一年新的开始,她送给大地绿得发亮的地毯;送给小花美丽多彩的花衣,她们争先恐后
1959年,中国遭遇百年一遇的大旱。大旱的一个直接后果,是催生了那条能够折射中国人水利梦想、但也遭遇尴尬现实的红旗渠 In 1959, China suffered a serious drought once i
本文主要从工程测量中应用GPS控制测量的概述及意义、容易出现误差的因素及措施方面进行了阐述。 This article mainly elaborates on the overview and significance of ap
The influence of polycarboxylic-type admixture on the strength of autoclaved aerated concrete(AAC) was investigated. The flexural strength and compressive stren