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Background and Purpose -Statins have been associated with a reduction in mortality from noncardiac surgery. This study aimed to determine whether statin use on admission to hospital for carotid endarterectomy was associated with a reduction of in-hospital adverse outcomes. Methods -Data describing patient characteristics, surgical indication, statin treatment, and in-hospital outcomes of death, ischemic stroke or death and cardiac outcomes were collected from a chart review of all patients (3360) undergoing carotid endarterectomy in Western Canada from January 2000 to December 2001. Outcomes of patients on statins versus those not on statins were compared using logistic regression to account for differenc es in patient characteristics, and propensity score methods to account for facto rs influencing patient allocation to statins. Results -Eight hundred and fiftee n of 2031 symptomatic patients and 665 of 1252 asymptomatic patients were on a s tatin at the time of hospital admission. Statin use by symptomatic patients was associated with reduced in-hospital mortality and in-hospital ischemic stroke or death, but not in-hospital cardiac outcomes (adjusted odds ratio 0.25 [CI, 0.07 to 0.90], 0.55 [CI, 0.32 to 0.95], 0.87 [CI, 0.49 to 1.54], respectively). The improvement in outcomes was robust when tested using propensity score matching. This association was not seen in asymptomatic patients on statins (adjusted odds ratio, in-hospital mortality 0.54 [CI, 0.13 to 2.24]; in-hospital ischemic stroke or death 1.34 [CI, 0.61 to 2.93]; in-hospital cardiac outcomes 1.37 [CI , 0.73 to 2.58]). Conclusions -These findings are suggestive of a protective ef fect of statin therapy in symptomatic patients pre-treated at the time of carot id endarterectomy, though this needs confirmation in a randomized controlled trial. Background and Purpose -Statins have been associated with a reduction in mortality from noncardiac surgery. This study aimed to determine whether statin use on admission to hospital for carotid endarterectomy was associated with a reduction of in-hospital adverse outcomes. Methods-Data told patient characteristics , surgical indication, statin treatment, and in-hospital outcomes of death, ischemic stroke or death and cardiac outcomes were collected from a chart review of all patients (3360) undergoing carotid endarterectomy in Western Canada from January 2000 to December 2001. Outcomes of patients on statins versus those not on statins were compared using logistic regression to account for differenc es in patient characteristics, and propensity score methods to account for facto rs influencing patient allocation to statins. Results -Eight hundred and fiftee n of 2031 symptomatic patients and 665 of 1252 asymptomatic patients were on as tatin at the time of hospital admission. St atin use by symptomatic patients was associated with reduced in-hospital mortality and in-hospital ischemic stroke or death, but not in-hospital cardiac outcomes (adjusted odds ratio 0.25 [CI, 0.07 to 0.90], 0.55 [CI, 0.32 to 0.95] , 0.87 [CI, 0.49 to 1.54], respectively). The improvement in outcomes was robust when tested using propensity score matching. This association was not seen in asymptomatic patients on statins (adjusted odds ratio, in-hospital mortality 0.54 [CI, 0.13 in-hospital ischemic stroke or death 1.34 [CI, 0.61 to 2.93]; in-hospital cardiac outcomes 1.37 [CI, 0.73 to 2.58]). Conclusions -These findings are suggestive of a protective ef factor of statin therapy in symptomatic patients pre-treated at the time of carot id endarterectomy, though this needs confirmation in a randomized controlled trial.
近年来,随着学习型组织理论在中国的广泛传播,众多企业将创建学习型组织作为企业管理升级、文化变革与长治久安的战略决策,以期用学习型组织的理论与方法,来引领企业突破成长的困境,成功地走向未来。结合我国实际,跟踪国际企业管理发展潮流,在目前大力开展对学习型组织的研究, 创造良好的学习环境和学习氛围,不断探索职工教育新思路、新机制、新方法,加快职工知识化进程,是提高企业发展力和竞争力的需要。全力推进企业职
红灯一直抱怨工作的劳累,特别是遇到了阴雨天,它更是牢骚声不断。雨水从脸上往下淌的滋味真是难受,于是在一天夜里,红灯打算偷偷懒。那天晚上,路上的车并不多,所以红灯想偷偷地睡五分钟。想着想着,它就睡着了。  后来身旁的黄灯叫醒了它,黄灯说:“刚才有好几辆车从你的眼皮底下驶过,你怎么不制止呢?险些出车祸啊!”听了它的话,红灯不仅不害怕,反而还轻松了。它笑着说:“怎么样,我睡了五分钟,什么事情都没有发生!
冬天到了,熊猫老师告诉小朋友们,运动时要注意预防感冒,如果背心被汗水打湿了,一定要立即擦干,然后用干毛巾把背心隔起来。  “大家记住了吗?”熊猫老师问大家。  小猫、小狗、小羊都说记住了,可小猪却说:“我才不呢!我身体这么强壮,怎么会感冒?”  到了星期天,小猪、小猫、小狗、小羊一起去爬山。小猪长得太胖了,不一会儿就跑得汗流满面,背心湿透了。  小猫关心地对小猪说:“你背心湿透了,我帮你隔上毛巾吧
我和妈妈玩传毽,我把毽子踢过去,毽子像彩色的小鸟飞过去,妈妈把毽子踢回来。毽子像蝴蝶一样又飞回来。我又把毽子踢过去,毽子像受伤的小鸟摇摇欲坠,妈妈把毽子踢过来,毽子就像一只老鹰一飞冲天飞到了我的头顶上。毽子像彩色的蝴蝶飞来飞去忽高忽低,我和妈妈玩得开心极了。毽子既好玩又是一项健身的运动,我喜欢踢毽子。  《蝴蝶毽子》节选  指导教师:李梅