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屋面防水工程由于受大气和自然环境的长期侵蚀,以及受结构变形、震动等影响,随着时间的推移,防水层必然会局部损坏而造成漏水。如不及时修理,渗漏将会日趋严重,造成不良后果。现将卷材防水屋面起鼓原因及维修方法简要介绍如下: 一、卷材防水屋面起鼓的原因防水卷材按成分不同分为三类:一、沥青类卷材如:石油沥青油毡,焦油沥青油毡,粘结剂为沥青玛蹄脂;二、高聚物改性沥青防水卷材如:SBS改性沥青防水卷材,APP改性沥青防水卷材;三、合成高分子防水卷材如:三元乙丙橡胶防水卷材,氯丁橡胶防水卷材,聚氯乙烯防水卷材等。卷材屋面起鼓的主要原因是:一是基层在起鼓处较潮,水分较多;二是 Roof waterproofing due to the long-term erosion of the atmosphere and the natural environment, as well as by the structural deformation, vibration and other effects, as time goes on, the waterproof layer is bound to be partial damage caused by leakage. If not repaired in time, leakage will be more serious, resulting in adverse consequences. Now waterproofing the roof of the drum from the drum causes and maintenance methods are briefly described as follows: First, the waterproofing membrane roof waterproof drums by the composition of different divided into three categories: First, the bitumen membrane such as: asphalt bitumen, tar Bitumen linoleum, adhesive asphalt mastic; two, polymer modified bitumen membrane such as: SBS modified bitumen waterproofing membrane, APP modified bitumen waterproofing membrane; Third, the synthesis of polymer waterproofing membrane such as : EPDM rubber waterproofing membrane, neoprene waterproofing membrane, PVC waterproofing membrane. The main reason for the roll roofing drum is: First, the grassroots drum from the more tide, more water; second is
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