
来源 :中国公证 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aorong
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水瓶杨:都能提供出生证明,应当依法受理。公证人涤非:个人认为,应该要求提供亲子鉴定。匿名:一样的出生公证,为何要求提供不一样的证明材料?公证人涤非:因为无法提供父母的结婚证,并且有违国家生育政策,公证员有理由怀疑其提供的医学出生证明的真伪;为保险起见,还需要父母双方前来如实做个笔录。Aha,Mali-mali-home:除出生证明外,征缴社会抚养费的行政处罚决定书中也会有父母的具体情况,可以作为证明材料,应当依法受理。宫楠:如果是非婚生子女,个人认为,无论如何都不能轻易办理。第一,出现事实不清的可能性增大;第二,办理出生一般为国外使用,很多国家婚生和非婚生子女法律上待遇差别大,又无法在公证书中注明,一旦为孩子出具了出生公证,可能导致当事人滥用公证书;第三,这类情况 Aquarius: can provide birth certificate, it should be accepted according to law. Notary public Difei: personally think that should be required to provide paternity testing. Anonymous: the same birth certificate, why ask for different proofs? Notary Notary: Not being able to provide a parent’s marriage certificate and contrary to the national reproductive policy, the notary has reason to doubt the authenticity of the medical birth certificate provided To be on the safe side, both parents and parents are required to be truthfully transcribed. Aha, Mali-mali-home: In addition to the birth certificate, the administrative sanction decision on collecting social support will also include the details of the parents, which can be used as supporting materials and should be accepted according to law. Gong Nan: If it is illegitimate children, personally think that in any case can not be easily handled. First, there is an increased possibility of unclear facts; secondly, the birth of a child is generally used for foreign purposes. In many countries, the legal treatment of children born out of wedlock and children born out of wedlock is greatly different in law and can not be stated in the notarial certificate. Once a child Issued a notarized birth, may lead to the abuse of notarized parties; third, such cases
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