Mechanical properties of high-strength concrete subjected to high temperature by stressed test

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:magicarpet
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Recently, the effects of high temperature on compressive strength and elastic modulus of high strength concrete were experimentally investigated. The present study is aimed to study the effect of elevated temperatures ranging from 20 ℃ to 700 ℃ on the material mechanical properties of high-strength concrete of 40, 60 and 80 MPa grade. During the strength test, the specimens are subjected to a 25% of ultimate compressive strength at room temperature and sustained during heating, and when the target temperature is reached, the specimens are loaded to failure. The tests were conducted at various temperatures (20-700 ℃) for concretes made with W/B ratios of 46%, 32% and 25%, respectively. The results show that the relative values of compressive strength and elastic modulus decrease with increasing compressive strength grade of specimen. Recently, the effects of high temperature on compressive strength and elastic modulus of high strength concrete were experimentally investigated. The present study is aimed at studying the effect of elevated strength ranging from 20 ° C to 700 ° C on the material mechanical properties of high-strength concrete During the strength test, the specimens are subjected to a 25% of ultimate compressive strength at room temperature and sustained during heating, and when the target temperature is reached, the specimens are loaded to failure. tests were conducted at various temperatures (20-700 ° C) for concretes made with W / B ratios of 46%, 32% and 25%, respectively. The results show that the relative values ​​of compressive strength and elastic modulus decrease with increasing compressive strength grade of specimen.
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