Computing Recomposition of Maps with a New Sampling Asymptotic Formula

来源 :离散数学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenwoyu
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The aim of the present paper is to state an asymptotic property &#929 of Shannon’s sampling theorem type, based on normalized cardinal sines, and keeping constant the sampling frequency of a not necessarilly band- limited signal. It generalizes in the
In this paper, we propose a determinist mathematical model for the co-circulating into two circulating recombinants forms (CRFs) Of HIV-disease in Mali. We divi
Editorial of the Open Journal on Modelling and Simulation
<正> 用 of 表示所属关系是最常见的用法,但在某些特定的上下文中,主要是应一些名词的要求,必须用 to 来表示所属关系。现分为几种情况介绍如下:
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