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一双布满厚茧的手,一身汗渍斑斑的工作服,一张对用户充满热情的笑脸,一个步履匆匆、不知疲倦的身影。他就是南昌供电公司市中抢修二班班长何长生。一个故障就是一道命令。出了故障停了电,何长生总是比用户还要急。有一年年三十晚上,何长生接到调度通知,青云谱区气象线接地故障,沿线全部停电。他二话没说,当即带领班里同志顶风冒雪赶到现场。经检查,发现是分支线的接地影响到主干线跳闸,按理抢修人员只须断开该分支线便可,但想到这条分支线断开后,附近村民将要过一个漆黑冰冷的除夕 A pair of hand covered with thick calluses, a sweaty overalls, a passionate smile to the user, a hurry, tireless figure. He is Nanchang Power Supply Company in the city to repair class monitor He Changsheng. A fault is a command. Out of trouble stopped electricity, He Changsheng is always more urgent than the user. One year and thirty nights, He Changsheng received dispatch notice, Qingyun spectral meteorological line ground fault, all blackouts along the line. He did not say anything else, immediately led the comrades in the class greeted the snow arrived at the scene. After examination, found that the branch line of the ground affects the main trunk line tripping, reasonably repair personnel simply disconnect the branch line can be, but think of this branch line is disconnected, the villagers near will have to pass a dark and icy New Year’s Eve
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初中体育课堂教学中,教师会遇到并必须要面对各种各样的问题。文章从教师的讲解与设问两个方面展开论述,旨在找出破解初中体育问题的途径,以期抛砖引玉。 In junior high sc