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欧美发达国家在培养管理专业研究生时,其招生工作有一个重要特点,就是把大学本科毕业并有几年实际工作经验的人员作为招生的重点。他们认为,学生从实践中来,毕业后又回到实践中去,是造就应用型人才的有效措施。首先,一定时期的实际工作实践使他们已经具备了较强的分析问题能力和解决实际问题的能力。他们善于理论联系实际,善于从管理的实际中提出问题,使理论运用于实际;其次,在职人员经过一段社会实践,接触了业务技术,在学习阶段,一般地说,学习的目的性较明确;同时,由于他们动手能力、组织能力、独立工作能力较强,在论文选题上一般能够针对管理工作的现实问题。美国工商管理的学生绝大部分来自有实际工作经验的人员。这些人在大学本科时所学的专业往往是各种各样的,不少人是学理工科或其他社会科学的。例如,美国名牌大学“工商管理教育的考生中,绝大多数并不是工商管理的本科毕业生,而是科学家、数学家、工程师、企业家、律师、医生、人文学家等等。”美国许多大学还招收管理方面(如管理与工程、工程与经济、管理与法律、系统工程等)的双学位硕士生,培养跨学科的教学、科研人才和高级管理人才。在加拿大为了招收有实践经验的学生和适应社会的需要,除 Europe and the United States developed countries in the management of graduate students, the enrollment work has an important feature is to graduate with a few years of practical experience and personnel as the focus of enrollment. They think that students come from practice and return to practice after graduation, which is an effective measure to create applied talents. First of all, the actual working practices in a certain period of time make them already have a strong ability to analyze problems and solve practical problems. They are good at combining theory with practice, being good at asking questions from the reality of management and making the theory applied to reality; secondly, after a period of social practice, serving officers have access to business skills; in the learning phase, generally speaking, the purpose of learning is more definite; At the same time, due to their ability to work, organizational ability, ability to work independently, the topics on the general topic can be directed at the management of the real problems. The vast majority of American business and management students come from people who have practical work experience. These people often study undergraduate majors are often varied, many people are learning science or other social sciences. For example, most of the MBA candidates in American famous universities are not graduates of business administration, but scientists, mathematicians, engineers, entrepreneurs, lawyers, doctors, humanists, etc. "Many U.S. The University also enrolls dual master degree students in management (eg management and engineering, engineering and economics, management and law, systems engineering, etc.) to train interdisciplinary teaching, research personnel and senior management personnel. In Canada in order to recruit students with practical experience and adapt to the needs of society, except
目的:1.利用重组人白细胞介素-37(interleukin-37,IL-37)和转化生长因子-β1(transforming growth factor-beta 1,TGF-β1)同时干预人LX2-肝星状细胞(LX2-hepatic stellate c
目的:通过免疫组化EnVision法检测核因子E-2-相关因子-2(nuclearfactor erythroid-2-related factor-2, Nrf-2)及血红素加氧酶-1(hemeoxygenase-1,HO-1)在胃正常黏膜、胃癌前病
读书也好,文化也好,都不是最重要的东西,最重要的还是对生命的态度。简单地说,应该做到为艺术而艺术,他们的价值应该是更纯粹的艺术。 Ye Hao Ye Hao, culture Ye Hao, are
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