Designing broadband fiber optic parametric amplifier based on near-zero single ZDW PCF with ultra-fl

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We propose a broadband fiber optic parametric amplifier (FOPA) based on a near-zero ultra-flat dispersion profile with a single zero-dispersion wavelength (ZDW) by using a selective liquid infiltration technique. The amplifier gain and bandwidth is investigated for a variety of fiber lengths, pump power, and operating wavelengths. It is observed that sufficient peak gains and broader bandwidths can be achieved with a small negative anomalous dispersion (β20) and a positive value of the 4th-order dispersion parameter ( β4) around the pump. We can optimize an FOPA with a bandwidth of more than 220 nm around the communications wavelength.
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随着天文探测水平的提高,偏振像差对天文望远镜成像质量的影响逐渐凸显。基于偏振光线追迹,分析了一种用于探测宇宙弱引力透镜效应的无遮拦离轴天文望远镜的偏振像差,得到了该望远镜的琼斯瞳、振幅响应矩阵以及望远镜中各个反射镜的二向衰减和相位延迟分布特性。计算发现偏振像差会影响该望远镜的成像对比度,同时还会改变其点扩展函数的空间分布。计算了偏振像差对望远镜光学椭率的影响,结果表明偏振像差会导致该望远镜光学椭率在全视场范围内发生不同程度的变化,最大改变量为7.5×10 -3,平均改变量为2.7×10 -3。在视场[-0
在30 ℃温度下,用太阳光或类太阳光的碳弧光作泵浦时,已经在掺Nd2O3 6.25重量%的钡冕玻璃中获得了1.06微米连续光受激发射振荡。所使用的鈸玻璃(美国光学公司616 W1型)是和C. G. 杨用水银灯泵浦获得连续光受激发射样品同一类型的。该玻璃的荧光寿命为400微秒,在20 ℃时的谱綫宽度为320埃,内部损耗系数(在1.06微米处的吸收)为0.1%厘米-1。在23.5厘米直径的球面反射镜内,把棒与EG