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HUO Huan, 13, met the pretty girl Qing’e by chance and liked her very much. But he did not find opportunities to became acquainted with her. One day, a Taoist priest gave him a tiny spade, which could penetrate solid rock. Huo Huan used it and dug through several walls. When he reached Qing’e’s bedroom, she was fast asleep. Huo stayed by her bed to admire her. But shortly afterward, his eyelids HUO Huan, 13, met the pretty girl Qing’e by chance and liked her very much. But he did not find opportunities to became acquainted with her. One day, a Taoist priest gave him a tiny spade, which could penetrate solid rock. Huo Huan used it and dug through several walls. When he reached Qing’e’s bedroom, she was fast asleep. Huo stayed by her bed to admire her. But shortly afterward, his eyelids
摘要:目前,农村学生自主阅读能力整体较差,亟待提高。本文作者通过主持为期三年的课题研究,从提高自主阅读能力的方法、步骤、策略等方面做了阐述。  关键词:激发兴趣;自主阅读;培养能力  一、农村小学生阅读能力现状及开展自主阅读的意义  在我们农村小学,学生的自主阅读能力普遍较差,究其原因,主要在于:首先,教师由于受传统教育思想和应试教育的影响,重视字、词、句、篇等语文基础知识的教育,而忽视了对学生阅
急性缺血性卒中(acute ischemic stroke,AIS)是成人死亡和残疾的主要原因,其中大脑中动脉(middle cerebral artery,MCA)M2段闭塞是AIS最常见的亚型.与颈内动脉和MCAM1段相比,
DAUGHTER of a steelworker, 15-year-old dancer Chen Wei will soon graduate from the Yunnan Province School of Art. With inborn talent, diligence and a strong de
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A man with flashing eyes, resolute manners and firm steps. That’s Zhang Xiao. He is honest. His deep and loyal feelings for the land of northwest China where
翻开不久前出版的《世界华侨华人词典》,在郭光甲的名字下仅有简单的6个字“见《异国漂泊记》”。顿时,给人一种奇妙之感。 《异国漂泊记》一栏中介绍说:由上海人民艺术剧院