
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seijxb
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Objective: To characterize the immunodeficiency in ataxia- telangiectasia (A - T) and to determine whether the immunodeficiency is progressive and associate d with increased susceptibility to infections. Study design: Records of 100 cons ecutive patients with A- T from the Johns Hopkins Ataxia- Telangiectasia Clini cal Center (ATCC) were reviewed. Results: Immunoglobulin (Ig) deficiencies are c ommon, affecting IgG4 in 65% of patients, IgA in 63% , IgG2 in 48% , IgE in 23% , and IgG in 18% . Lymphopenia affected 71% of patients, with reduced B - lymphocyte number in 75% , CD4 T lymphocytes in 69% , and CD8 T lymphocytes in 51% . There was no trend for increased frequency or severity of immune abno rmalities with age. Recurrent upper and lower respiratory tract infections were frequent: otitismedia in 46% of patients, sinusitis in 27% , bronchitis in 19 % , and pneumonia in 15% . Sepsis occurred in 5 patients, in 2 patients concur rent with cancer chemotherapy. Warts affected 17% of patients, herpes simplex 8% , molluscum contagiosum 5% , candidal esophagitis 3% , and herpes zoster 2 % . Uncomplicated varicella infection occurred in 44% of patients; 2 patients had more than one clinical episode. No patient had Pneumocystis jerovici pneumo nia or a complication of live viral vaccine. Conclusions: In spite of the high p revalence of laboratory immunologic abnormalities, systemic bacterial, severe vi ral, and opportunistic infec tions are uncommon in AT. Cross- sectional analysis suggests that the immune defect is rarely progressive. Objective: To characterize the immunodeficiency in ataxia- telangiectasia (A - T) and to determine whether the immunodeficiency is progressive and associate d with increased susceptibility to infections. Study design: Records of 100 conscutives with A- T from the Johns Hopkins Ataxia IgGI in 63%, IgG2 in 48%, IgE in 23%, and IgG in 18% Lymphopenia affected 71% of patients, with reduced B - lymphocyte number in 75%, CD4 T lymphocytes in 69%, and CD8 T lymphocytes in 51%. There was no trend for increased frequency or severity of immune abnomalities with age. upper and lower respiratory tract infections were frequent: otitismedia in 46% of patients, sinusitis in 27%, bronchitis in 19%, and pneumonia in 15%. Sepsis occurred in 5 patients, in 2 patients concur rent with cancer chemotherapy. % of pat Patients with herpes simplex 8%, molluscum contagiosum 5%, candidal esophagitis 3%, and herpes zoster 2%. Uncomplicated varicella experienced occurred in 44% of patients; 2 patients had more than one clinical episode. No patient had Pneumocystis jerovici pneumo nia or a complication of live viral vaccine. Conclusions: In spite of the high p revalence of laboratory immunologic abnormalities, systemic bacterial, severe viral, and opportunistic infec tions are uncommon in AT. Cross-sectional analysis suggests that the immune defect is rarely progressive.
The authors performed IQ testing and magnetic resonance spectroscopy on six lead-exposed and six control children. Levels of N-acetyl aspartate(neuronal den sit
患者女 ,2 3岁。于 3岁时由于外伤致双眼疼痛 ,视力骤减 ,后右眼萎缩 ,左眼视力逐渐恢复 ,并常流泪。现患者自述 ,左眼胀 ,眼球外突感 10天来诊 ,眼底镜观察发现瞳孔呈月牙形
1临床资料 例1,女童,8岁,于1996年9月因恶性事件眼部被浓硫酸烧伤,十多分种后送治。急诊冲洗双眼后,检查发现双眼上下睑大片焦痂,以左眼为甚,双眼球结膜苍白,角膜混浊;视力:右眼指数/50 cm,左眼光感/眼