Kaempferia parviflora ethanol extract improves self-assessed sexual health in men: a pilot study

来源 :结合医学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aq13
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Background:Sexual health positively correlates with overall wellbeing.Existing therapeutics to enhance male sexual health are limited by factors that include responsiveness,adherence and adverse effects.As the population ages,safe and effective interventions that preserve male sexual function are needed.Published research suggests that various preparations of Kaempferia parviflora,a plant in the Zingiberaceae (ginger) family,support cardiovascular health and may ameliorate erectile function.Objective:The aim of this study was to examine the effects of KaempMaxTM,an ethanol extract of the K.parviflora rhizome,on erectile function in healthy middle-aged and older men.Design,setting,participants and interventions:We conducted an open-label,one-arm study on 14 generally healthy males aged 50-68 years with self-reported mild erectile dysfunction,who were not using prescription treatments.Participants took 100 mg KaempMaxTM daily for 30 days.Main outcome measures:Evaluations were conducted at baseline and on the final study assessment.Primary efficacy analyses included the Intational Index of Erectile Function (IIEF);secondary efficacy analyses included the Global Assessment Question about erectile function.Results:Thirteen participants completed the 30-day study.Supplementation with KaempMaxTM resulted in statistically significant improvements in erectile function,intercourse satisfaction and total scores on the IIEF questionnaire.KaempMaxTM was well tolerated and exhibited an excellent safety profile.Conclusion:Our results suggest that KaempMaxTM may improve erectile function in healthy middle-aged and older men.While the effects were not as pronounced as what might be seen with prescription medication,most participants found them satisfactory.Additional,longer and placebo-controlled clinical trials will be needed.
胡子是人体毛发的一种,主要成分是角质蛋白,由多种氨基酸组成,其中以胱氨酸和蛋氨酸的含量较高。  人身上除了掌跖、粘膜部位外均布满了毛囊,一个毛囊生长一根毛发。一个成年男子全身约有500万根毛,其中头部约有100万根。毛发中,遍布全身的又细又软、色泽浅淡的毛叫汗毛,专家们管它叫毳毛。又硬又粗、颜色较深的毛叫硬毛。硬毛中,像头发、胡子等能长到2厘米以上的叫长毛,像眉毛、睫毛等不能长到2厘米以上的叫短毛
孙中山曾于民国元年(公元1912年)春在其贴身卫士、卫队教官朱振英等人的陪同下前往上海总商会,约见沪上名流数十人。其后,又单独会见被行家称作“武医双通”即江湖上人称“武当神剑”、“杏林一绝”的清代庠生一一钱立缙。  钱立缙,系清代光绪年间人,1877年生于江苏无锡,祖籍上海青浦。他从幼年起就随其父、清代光绪初年上海“三大名医”之一的钱啸林“串雅悬壶”而周游南、北方10余省,足迹遍及江、浙、沪、闽、