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  Nowadays, the internet has become an indispensible part of people’s lives, and the proportion of adolescent users is huge and rapidly growing. The popularity of smart phones and other mobile devices facilitats people’s access to the internet. The perplexities of the internet contents and the fact that the adolescent users are still immature have alarmingly raised public concerns.
  Growing numbers of adolescent Internet users
  On July 1st, 2014, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), United Nations Population Division, Indian Internet and Mobile Association and the World Bank released a report which showed the population of internet users of countries worldwide. According to the report, the internet population of the whole world is 2.925 billion, raised by 7.9% from 2013. The permeability (rate of internet users among total population) is 40.4%. The Vietnam’s population of internet users is 39.77 million, raised by 9% from 2013, which is the 15th highest in the world, and the permeability is 42.97%. China, who owns the highest population of internet users has 642 million netizens, raised by 4% from last year, with the permeability of 46.03%. The United States, the country who has the second largest number of internet users has 280 million netizens, raised by 7% from last year, and the permeability is at 86.75%.
  The 6th Chinese Juvenile Internet Using Report jointly conducted by Chinese Young Pioneers Career Development Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Youth Research Center and other agencies shows that 96.8% of Chinese juveniles are using the internet, and number raised by 5.4% from 2011, among whom 78.8% access the internet at least once a week, and 61.8% of whom firstly accessed internet under the age of 10 while 17.5% of whom firstly accessed internet under 6. The juveniles mostly use the internet at home, and the internet penetration of Chinese families reached 85% and is rising by year. The Report also shows that 61.6% of juveniles are Weibo users, which is slightly higher than the rate of Weibo users in the whole netizens. Among the juvenile Weibo users, 33.9% express their ideas very often, which is higher than their parents (24.9%). WeChat has a penetration of 11.8% among juveniles. The Report suggests that juveniles are more prone to use the new internet platforms and tools, and also more eager to express themselves.   2014年7月1日,互联网实时统计网站根据国际电信联盟、联合国人口司、印度互联网与手机协会和世界银行数据发布了世界各国互联网用户情况预估表。该表显示,2014年全球互联网用户数为29.25亿,比2013年增长7.9%,互联网渗透率(网民占人口总数的比例)为40.4%。其中,越南互联网用户数为3,977万,比2013年增长9%,数量位居世界第15位,互联网渗透率为42.97%;中国互联网用户数为6.42亿,比2013年增长4%,数量位居世界第1位,互联网渗透率为46.03%;美国互联网用户数为2.8亿,比2013年增长7%,数量位居世界第2位,互联网渗透率为86.75%。
  A Japanese Internet Search Engine named “Goo” initiated a polling along with Mitsubishi Research Institute, showing that more than 50% of Japanese primary school students use the internet, and more than 90% of 6th graders are internet users. 11.2% of Japanese primary school students access the internet through mobile phones.
  Korea, a country separated by sea from Japan, has a high internet penetration. The percentage of internet users in Korea reaches nearly 70%.
  America is the country which has firstly been introduced with internet and also has the highest penetration. Among the whole population of 300 million people, 211 million of them are internet users which is the highest in the world.
  Internet users tending to become younger
  With the number of internet users continuously getting larger, their average age is becoming younger. During the site visit, our correspondent found that many juveniles, even the ones still in kindergarten are quite skillful in using computers, smart phones and other electronic devices to access information, play games and connect with friends. Sun Hongyan, the Director of Juvenile Research Institute of Chinese Juvenile Research Centre, said that the smart phones and tablets are reaching to the lower-ages and evidently advanced the juvenile’s ages of firstly contacting the internet. “Accessing the internet through mobile phones and tablets actually increase juveniles’ addiction to internet” said Sun. According to her research, juveniles tend to spend extended time on online chats and games through mobile phones.   随着青少年网民比例的不断壮大,逐渐呈现出日益低龄化的趋向。记者走访中发现,不少青少年,甚至还在上幼儿园的孩子,如今对于电脑、智能手机等电子设备使用得游刃有余,由此获取的信息、游戏等内容甚至是他们在学校以及同学、朋友间的谈资。据中国青少年研究中心少年儿童研究所所长孙宏艳介绍,智能手机和平板电脑的流行,更容易并正在快速地走向低龄人群,大大提前了未成年人“触网”和“触屏”的年龄。“用手机、平板电脑等移动电子设备上网,未成年人更容易有网瘾。”孙宏艳曾专门做过网络沉迷调查,研究发现未成年人使用手机等上网聊天、玩游戏的时间更长。
  Wei Chenxi, a psychiatrist from Beijing Huilongguan Hospital said that compared to regular computers, mobile phones and tablets have easier access for the lower-ages. These electronic devices sparked children’s desire for exploration, fulfilled their wishes of taking control and integrated with their fantasies, which made them more addicted.
  The consequences of being addicted to Internet
  According to many experts, the internet has brought immense impacts on juveniles’ study and lives and even the education system. Lacking of exercise and outdoor activities has severely affected juveniles’ health condition. In recent years, the juvenile prevalence of obesity and overweight has been climbing, and so has the prevalence of myopia. Yu Gang, head of the Ophthalmology of Beijing Children’s Hospital said that nearly 30 to 40 percent of the primary school students are suffering from myopia and the number is 80 percent among high school students. “Apart from the congenital factors, extended using of the electronic devices at early ages also contributes to this situation considerably” said Yu. Children always stay at home, raising concerns of the parents.
  Except from inactivity, juvenile internet users are also prone to solitary and less talking and communication. Some students only choose playing cell phone and computer games as extracurricular activities, hardly communicating with other people. “Being indulged in the virtual world created by smart phones and computers and reducing the real interpersonal communication will lead to social and language capabilities deterioration of the children. They will have a hard time coming back to the reality and even talking with their parents,” said Jia Meixiang, the Pediatric Professor of the 6th Hospital of Peking University.
  In addition, incapable of being concentrated is also a possible adverse effect brought by the internet. “They are addicted to the electronic devices and having hard time to focus, and they also wander from one hobby to another,” said Wang Xumei, Psychiatry Professor of Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University.   除了“宅”,青少年网民易封闭孤僻,不愿张嘴,交流障碍现象增多。有些孩子除了学习,不是在玩手机游戏,就是玩电脑,基本不和人交流。不少青少年平日沉默寡言、面无表情,但一到玩电脑、手里,便判若两人。“迷恋智能手机和电脑等电子设备及其中的虚拟世界,淡化现实的人际交往,孩子的社交、语言表达能力会退化,回不到现实生活,跟父母沟通都困难。”北京大学第六医院儿科教授贾美香说。
  Poisoning contents on
  the Internet
  Apart from the addiction, the violence and pornography contents on the internet easily accessed by anyone including the juveniles raise even more concerns. For instance, in China where no rating system for websites exists and everyone can view the online contents freely, juveniles who still haven’t developed strong ability of self-discipline and distinguish can be easily affected by the negative contents. With more mobile phones and new network portals being introduced, parental supervision will become increasingly difficult.
  Sun Liying, a member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) citied a report by the Chinese Research Society of Juvenile Delinquency when talking about the damage of internet insecurity to the juveniles: “Over 80% of juvenile delinquency are related to internet objectionable contents. Among juvenile offenders, 93% frequent net bars and 85% are addicted to the internet. In a healthy society, bad kids become good and good kids become better. While in a flawed society, good kids turn bad and bad kids turn worse. The biggest society for our kids is the internet. Many children become addicted at an early age. The objectionable content swill lead the children astray and even to criminal lifestyle. ”
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