Research on the Financing of New Agricultural Business Entities in Hunan Province under the Strategy

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  摘 要:With the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, the new agricultural business entities will play an important leading role as a practical carrier for the development of modern agriculture. The main obstacle to its development is financing. In order to stimulate the vitality of the new agricultural business entities and comprehensively promote the rural revitalization, it is necessary to analyze the financing status of the new agricultural business entities in Hunan Province, explore its restrictive factors and put forward new countermeasures and suggestions.
  關键词:rural revitalization; new agricultural business entities; financing problems
  Author's brief introduction: Li Pengpeng (female, is a master's degree candidate in rural finance in the School of Finance, Hunan Technology and Business University, Changsha, Hunan, China.Yang Liu (female, is a master's degree candidate in logistics and supply chain management in the School of Business Administration, Hunan Technology and Business University, Changsha, Hunan, China.
  The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China puts forward the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization. The state has made a series of plans and proposed the development direction for the development of new agricultural business entities, which has raised higher requirements and brought more opportunities for the financial institutions serving agriculture. As a major agricultural province, Hunan Province has attached great importance to the development of new agricultural business entities over the years, and has repeatedly issued policies on financial services for new agricultural business entities. However, at present, the development of rural financial market in Hunan Province is unbalanced, the financial needs of new agricultural business entities have not been met, and financing is difficult and expensive, which restricts the further development of new agricultural business entities. In view of this, this paper analyzes the financing problems based on the current situation of the new agricultural business entities in Hunan Province, in order to promote the upgrading of agricultural industrialization in Hunan Province, promote the development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", promote the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, and fully promote the revitalization of rural areas.   Status of New Agricultural Business Entities in Hunan Province
  Development Status of New Agricultural Business Entities in Hunan Province
  The type and scale of the new agricultural business entities in Hunan Province are increasing gradually. At the end of 2016, there were 65,900 agricultural businesses units in Hunan Province, according to the third agricultural census. There are 30,600 farmers' cooperatives registered in the general survey of agriculture that mainly engaged in agricultural production and operation or provide services, 122,100 large-scale agricultural households, and 17.2333 million people engaged in agricultural production and operation. Specifically, agricultural business units such as family farms and agricultural enterprises have become the main body of rapid growth. At the end of 2016, the number of agricultural business units such as family farms and agricultural enterprises increased by 3.6 times compared with the end of 2006. With the rapid development of leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, 46 national key leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization have emerged, including Yuan Longping Agricultural High-Tech Co., Ltd. and Hongxing Industrial Group Co., Ltd. In 2019, the Farmers Daily published the "Top 500 Leading Enterprises in Agricultural Industrialization in 2019", with a total of eight enterprises from Hunan Province were listed, including Tangrenshen Group, Hunan Dakang International Agricultural Food Co., Ltd., and Daodaoquan Grain and Oil Co., Ltd. Yuan Longping Agricultural High-Tech Co., Ltd. and Jin Jian Rice Industry Co., Ltd. are ranked 38, 44, 147, 154, and 176 respectively. Practice has proved that the better the development of new agricultural business entities, the faster the farmers' income will increase.
  The operation methods of new agricultural business entities have been continuously enriched, and the cooperation content and industrial chain have gradually expanded. For example, some cooperatives with better operating efficiency have established an industrialized management system, publicized their own brands, cooperated with communities and supermarkets directly, and increased sales and scale. A variety of development models based on "cooperatives + large households + leading enterprises", "companies (associations) + geographical indications + agricultural cooperatives + farmers", and service systems such as mutual fund assistance and land banking have emerged.   Status Quo of Financing for New Agricultural Business Entities in Hunan Province
  Financial institutions began to fully involve. In response to the difficulty of financing for new agricultural business entities, various financial institutions in Hunan Province have taken the initiative to connect in recent years. In addition to small and medium-sized rural financial institutions, banks such as Agricultural Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and China Postal Savings Bank have begun to get involved in the loan support business of new agricultural business entities. At present, the major commercial banks and small and medium-sized rural financial institutions have become the main financial institutions of the new agricultural business entities for financing.
  The model of financing mortgage products is constantly innovating. Financial institutions in Hunan Province have been exploring and actively trying innovative financial models such as rural contracted land management rights and farmers' housing property rights (hereinafter referred to as "the two rights") mortgage loans, direct mortgage financing of agricultural products such as grain, and establishment of cooperative development fund financing for new agricultural business entities. The amount of loans for new agricultural business entities is also increasing.
  The financing channel is relatively single. Although various types of new agricultural business entities in Hunan Province are trying to introduce funds from individuals, society, banks and other channels during the development process, especially the banks continue to increase their loans to new agricultural business entities. However, on the whole, the financing channels of new agricultural business entities are still relatively single, and the funds obtained from banks and other external channels are far from enough to meet the development needs of various new agricultural business entities.
  Factors Restricting the Financing of New Agricultural Business Entities in Hunan Province
  Unclear Qualification Positioning
  At present, the financing qualification of family farms, large grain producers and farmers' professional cooperatives is vague, and the qualification examination is not accurate. Financial institutions still regard family farms, large grain producers and other new agricultural business entities as individuals, and the loan amount and term have not improved significantly. In terms of qualification inspection, due to historical factors and business environment, the new agricultural business entities generally have poor management standards, imperfect internal control system, increased difficulty in discrimination of financial institutions, and difficulty in post loan control management.   Risk of Agricultural Product Mortgage
  Although financial institutions have been exploring mortgage loans for agricultural products in recent years, due to the difference between mortgage loans for agricultural products and other fixed assets, the price of fixed assets is relatively stable, while the price stability of agricultural products is weak, which is more susceptible to the influence of market, natural environment and other factors. It is relatively difficult to evaluate the market value of agricultural products. Using agricultural products as collateral for loans requires greater risks for financial institutions.
  Cross-border Integration of Finance and Agriculture is not Targeted
  Agricultural related financial institutions have not designed special financial products for the new agricultural business entities, and cannot cover all kinds of rural assets, such as agricultural machinery, forest rights, and expected income financing and other related financial product design. As a result, the effective property rights of the new agricultural business entities are sleeping, and cannot be turned into development funds. In addition, the financial products that have been launched do not match the financing needs of the new agricultural business entities in terms of practicality, which leads to the financing difficulty of the new agricultural business entities have not been really solved.
  Risk Mitigation Mechanism is not Established
  At present, our financing is still in the stage of independent risk-taking by financial institutions, mortgage guarantee financing is still pawnbroker financing, and it is difficult to realize, so the loans have greater risks. The government financing risk  guarantee system, the agricultural guarantee system and the new insurance system have not been established, and the market-oriented risk mitigation mechanism has not been formed, and it is difficult to control the risk of rural credit funds.
  Countermeasures to Solve the Financing Problems of New Agricultural Business Entities
  Strengthen the Management of Agricultural Business Entities
  The agricultural department shall issue normative documents such as the identification standard of new agricultural business entities, financial management guidance, rating and grading method, guide the new agricultural business entities, establish relevant rules and regulations, standardized financial accounting system, operation and management system, improve the standardization degree and management level, so as to improve the transparency of its own operation and the recognition degree of financial institutions. The development and reform department should establish a social comprehensive evaluation system for the new agricultural business entities, carry out a comprehensive credit evaluation for the new agricultural business entities, determine the credit rating of the new agricultural business entities, and take it as an important financing index. At the same time, we should give full play to the social advantages of rural acquaintances, and carry out three-level credit evaluation and supervision activities for the new agricultural business entities, including townships, villages and groups, with the evaluation results as a reference factor for financing.We will strengthen the management of new agricultural business entities from the perspectives of government, society and folk, and increase the recognition of financial institutions.   Building the Risk Assessment System of Agricultural Product Mortgage
  Because agricultural products have the characteristics of large price fluctuations and easy deterioration, financial institutions bear greater risks in the process of evaluation and loan. Government departments can cooperate with financial institutions to promote the construction of mortgage risk evaluation system for agricultural products. For example, we should promote the establishment of agricultural product insurance system by means of financial subsidy policy, expanding the varieties of agricultural product insurance, and establish risk sharing mechanism for rural financial institutions.
  Tailor-made Financial Products
  According to the characteristics of different types of new agricultural business entities, financial products are tailored to provide accurate financing services for new agricultural business entities. In view of the lack of suitable collateral for the new agricultural business entities, we should reform the existing model of pledge and mortgage and carry out multi-channel asset mortgage loans such as land management right mortgage loans, agricultural housing mortgage loans and agricultural facilities mortgage loans. Giving full play to the role of provincial agricultural guarantee companies and carry out all kinds of guarantee financing. Building a market-oriented financing mode of cross-border integration of government, insurance, futures, order, guarantee and financial elements, and mitigate financing risks by market-oriented means. Expanding the scope of credit and credit guarantee financing for new agricultural business entities.
  Vigorously Develop the Rural Insurance Industry
  We will promote the expansion of agricultural insurance coverage, product additions and tender proposals, and develop insurance products that meet the needs of new agricultural business entities in light of regional agricultural characteristics. Carrying out agricultural disaster insurance varieties such as breeding industry, agricultural disaster, forest fire, cost insurance of edible fungus, etc., to ensure that the production costs of all kinds of agricultural business entities will not be lost. Actively carrying out the price index insurance of major agricultural products such as corn, rice, pig and egg, i.e. reinsurance business of insurance + futures, so as to ensure that the income of agricultural production entities will not be reduced due to price fluctuations. Piloting to carry out the expected income insurance of agricultural products and realize the expected income of agricultural business subjects. We will comprehensively improve the security level of new agricultural business entities, change the weak image of high-risk and high-risk agriculture, and make agriculture no longer a loss making industry but a leading industry.
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  杨柳 (1996年3月 ),女,省市(籍贯):湖南省长沙市 ,研究方向:物流与供应链管理.
  Fund project: This work is a project supported by Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation For Postgraduate (grant No. CX2018B758、CX2018B764).
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摘 要:政府投资建设项目与社会投资不同的是,它具有公益性强、建设时间长、资本规模大等特点,这些项目能够积极促进区域经济发展,满足人民物质、精神和文化需求,并维护社会的和谐发展。另一方面,项目审计作为一项经济监督和管理活动,能够有效评估政府投资项目投入和产出的比例,防止腐败、违反法律等行为,并最大限度地发挥社会主义制度集中资源的好处。本文讨论了审计在政府投资建设项目中发现的问题和措施,以提高政府投资
摘 要:随着经济的发展和社会的进步,我国医疗水平也得到了相应的发展,尤其是医保层面上,国家先后推出城镇居民医疗保险、外来从业人员综合保险、大学生医疗保险等等多种保险政策。而这些医疗保险所对应的医保支付、支付标准及范围等都有不同的指标,所以医院财务部门的工作人员有必要对这些医保信息进行有效管理和监督,对提高医院的效益有极其重要的地位和意义。但是就目前的形势而言,医院医保的财务管理仍存在不少问题,并以
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摘 要:科学技术进步使计算机网络技术发生了变化。随着社会的发展和进步,现阶段社会生活中的计算机技术已经显著提升了人们的生活、工作水平以及效率。对于计算机网络技术而言,其不能够对信息做出分辨,这在一定程度上就需要借助于人工智能技术,对信息等进行准确的判断,从而使得用户能够提高生活和工作的体验。本文就大数据时代人工智能在计算机网络技术中的应用展开探讨。  关键词:大数据时代;人工智能;计算机网络技术;
摘 要:我国当前受到多种因素的影响,存在较大的经济下行压力,如何发挥货币政策的逆周期调节作用至关重要,但我国金融体系的利率传导不畅,资金难以投放到实体经济,特别是长期以来中小企业出现的融资难和融资贵问题难以解决。本文从以下5个方面论述LPR新机制的重要意义:我国LPR形成机制改革的历史演变;分析几个于LPR形成机制有关的基本概念;LPR形成新机制;新旧LPR形成机制对比和LPR新机制成为逆周期调节