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世界正在进入一个新的时代。适应全球化发展新阶段的要求,美学也应有一种新姿态。全球时代的美学也就是多元对话的美学。对话首要的是自我身份及对话对象身份的确认。马克思主义美学要求以自觉的身份意识,参与中国思想传统及后现代的对话,对“美之道”向历史之两极追索,从“后现代”走出,在和谐中与前“前现代”相遇。应围绕着重申美学唯物主义这个中心,运用自然辩证法阐明美的发生、命名与定义,从历史唯物主义哲学角度阐明社会状况与美学思潮的关系,将确认实践中人与自然、人与人关系的和谐作为美学的使命。 The world is entering a new era. To meet the requirements of the new stage of globalization, there should be a new attitude toward aesthetics. The aesthetics of the global era is also the aesthetics of pluralistic dialogues. The primary part of dialogue is the identification of self-identity and the identity of the subject of dialogue. Marxist aesthetics calls for conscious awareness of identity, participation in the dialogue between the Chinese ideological tradition and postmodernity, the pursuit of “the beauty of nature” toward the poles of history, the departure from “post-modernism,” the encounter with pre-ex pre-modernism in harmony . We should focus on reaffirming the center of aesthetic materialism, applying natural dialectics to elucidate the occurrence, naming and definition of beauty, clarifying the relationship between social conditions and aesthetic thoughts from the perspective of historical materialism, and confirming the harmony between man and nature and between people in practice As aesthetics mission.
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BACKGROUND: Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FLHCC) is a rare disease with an indolent behavior. Its prognosis is better than that of patients with hepat