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为使各级党委、政府和各部门领导干部切实承担起保一方平安的政治责任,推动社会治安综合治理各项措施的全面落实,中央社会治安综合治理委员会、中共中央纪律检查委员会、中组部、人事部和监察部1993年11月14日作出《关于实行社会治安综合治理领导责任制的若干规定》。《规定》要求,各级党委、政府都要建立社会治安综合治理的领导责任制,把抓好社会治安综合治理工作,确保一方平安,作为各级党委、政府和各部门党政领导干部的任期目标之一,并同党政领导干部的政绩考核、晋职晋级和任免奖惩直接挂钩;县级以上(含县级)各级社会治安综合治理领导机构要认真实行 In order for the party committees and governments at all levels and the leading cadres at all levels to effectively assume the political responsibility of ensuring the peace of one party and promote the full implementation of various measures for the comprehensive management of social order, the Central Committee for Social Security Comprehensive Governance, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Central Organization Department Ministry of Personnel and Ministry of Supervision made the “Several Provisions on Implementing the Leading System of Responsibility in the Comprehensive Administration of Public Security” on November 14, 1993. The “Provisions” require that Party committees and governments at all levels should establish a leading responsibility system for the comprehensive administration of social order, pay attention to the comprehensive management of social order and ensure the peace on one side, and serve as the term for the party committees, governments and party and government leading cadres at all levels One of the goals, and with the leading cadres of party and government performance evaluation, promotion and promotion of appointment and dismissal punishment directly linked; above the county level (including the county level) at all levels, the leading agencies for the comprehensive management of social order should be conscientiously implemented
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