
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:manstation
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Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) carries a very poor prognosis, although recent a dvances in chemotherapy have produced some long-term survivors. Despite this, r ecurrences are common, and these patients require a high level of surveillance. Given that the female gender is a favorable prognostic factor in patients with S CLC and that more women are becoming lung cancer survivors, it is important to c onsider sites of metastasis that are restricted to women. This is a presentation of a 42-year old previously diagnosed with SCLC who presented with an isolated recurrence of SCLC in the ovaries. This is a case report of an isolated recurre nce of SCLC in the ovaries with a review of the literature. Although systemic re lapses and recurrences often occur in these patients, isolated metastasis such a s this can occur and should be considered in female patients with a history of s mall cell lung cancer. Despite this, r ecurrences are common, and these patients require a high level of surveillance. Given that the female gender is a favorable prognostic factor in patients with S CLC and that more women are becoming lung cancer survivors, it is important to c onsider sites of metastasis that are restricted to women. This is a presentation of a 42-year old previously diagnosed with SCLC who presented with an isolated recurrence of SCLC in the ovaries. This is a case report of an isolated recurre nce of SCLC in the ovaries with a review of the literature. can occur and should be considered in female patients with a history of s mall cell lung cancer.
陶厚敏,1929年2月生,湖南省湘阴县人,1949年毕业于长妙妙高峰中学。中共党员。1988年6月被评为高级记者。1994年被选为太原市新闻工作者协会常务副主席。 Tao Houmin, born