
来源 :上海鲁迅研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxqr520
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尊敬的周海婴先生,各位专家学者、各位来宾、同志们、朋友们:今天,许广平同志诞辰一百十周年纪念座谈会在上海鲁迅纪念馆举行,很有意义。我代表上海市委宣传部、上海市文物管理委员会,向今天到会的各位来宾和专家学者表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢,向许广平同志的亲属表示亲切的问候!今年是许广平同志诞辰110周年,也是《鲁迅全集》出版70周年。因此今天这次会议具有双重纪念意义。许广平同志是鲁迅夫人,是鲁迅的贤内助,鲁迅文化遗产的重要保护者和鲁迅精神的弘扬者,同时她本人在中国革命史、文化史上也有独特的贡献。她是一个著名的学生运动领袖、作家、社会活动家、妇女运动的先锋。与此相联系的是,我国第一部完整的《鲁迅全集》在1938年在上海 Dear Mr. Zhou Haiying, experts and scholars, distinguished guests, comrades and friends: Today, the commemorative symposium of the 100th anniversary of Comrade Xu Guangping was held at the Shanghai Lu Xun Memorial Hall. It is very significant. On behalf of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Shanghai Cultural Relics Management Committee, I extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the guests and experts and scholars who will attend the meeting today and express my cordial regards to relatives of Comrade Xu Guangping. This year marks the 110th anniversary of Comrade Xu Guangping’s birth, It is also the 70th anniversary of the publication of The Complete Works of Lu Xun. Therefore, this meeting today has a dual commemorative significance. Comrade Xu Guangping is the wife of Lu Xun, the good wife of Lu Xun, the important protector of Lu Xun’s cultural heritage and the promoter of Lu Xun’s spirit. At the same time, she also has a unique contribution in the history of Chinese revolution and culture. She is a prominent student movement leader, writer, social activist and pioneer of the women’s movement. Related to this is the first complete “Complete Works of Lu Xun” in China in 1938 in Shanghai
目的:构建肺腺癌预后诊断模型并挖掘模型诊断价值。方法:数据来源于癌症基因组图谱(TCGA),搜索截止日期为2020年4月10日。通过似然比检验比较肺腺癌组织(n n=515)和癌旁组