
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lan_lang_
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众所周知,在学习过程中兴趣是最好的老师。许多学生不愿学英语,关键是他们对英语没有兴趣:因此,作为中学的英语教师首先应该先去激发学生的学习兴趣。古往今来,凡是教学上有所建树的教师,无一例外的是他们的课都让学生着迷。笔者通过几年教学实践,认为可以从以下几个方面来激发和培养学生的兴趣。一、和谐、融洽师生关系青少年的心理特点告诉我们,这个年龄的学生“亲师性”较强。所以,教师要深入学生和学 It is well-known that hobbies are the best teachers in the learning process. Many students are reluctant to learn English, the key is that they are not interested in English: Therefore, as a secondary school English teachers should first be to stimulate students interest in learning. Throughout the ages, all teachers who have made achievements in teaching, without exception, have fascinated their students. Through several years of teaching practice, the author thinks that students’ interest can be stimulated and cultivated from the following aspects. First, harmony, harmonious relationship between teachers and students The psychological characteristics of young teens tell us that students of this age “pro-teacher ” strong. Therefore, teachers should go deep into students and learning
导读:西瓜节、日本投降日、烤棉花糖节是8月我认为最重要的3个节日。National Watermelon Day is on August 3. Sweet and tasty watermelons are one of summer’s favorite
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同学们都知道head表示“头部”的意思,头在人的身体中起着重要的作用。今天我们学习“head”有关的地道短语。这些在口语和书面表达中都能经常用到哇!1.I always keep my hea