
来源 :中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunhuaqiuyue
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公民的环境权是指公民享有的在不被污染和破坏的环境中生存及利用环境资源的权利。它是人权的重要组成部分。公安执法涉及公民环境权的保护,公安机关是保护公民环境权的重要主体之一。公安机关在环境维权执法中仍然存在相当大的问题。如环境保护法律意识淡薄,环境监管执法水平较低;环境维权执法中的物质保障匮乏等。如何更好地完成公安执法中所涉环境维权的职责,同时利用公安机关特有的强制手段,协助政府环境保护执法,这是当前应予特别关注的。在现有公安执法体制下应积极采取措施,同时还要以改革发展的眼光,借鉴国外经验以及国内大胆试点的尝试进行执法机制的创新。 Citizens ’environmental rights refer to the citizens’ rights to survive and utilize environmental resources in an environment that is free from pollution and damage. It is an important part of human rights. Public security enforcement involves the protection of citizens’ environmental rights. Public security organs are one of the important subjects for protecting the environmental rights of citizens. Public security organs still have considerable problems in the enforcement of environmental rights protection. Such as weak awareness of environmental protection laws, low level of environmental supervision and law enforcement; lack of material security in the enforcement of environmental rights protection. How to better fulfill the duties of protecting environmental rights in the law enforcement of public security and at the same time make use of the special coercive measures of the public security organs to assist the government in environmental protection and law enforcement is a matter of particular concern. Under the existing system of public security and law enforcement, we should take active measures and, at the same time, innovate the law enforcement mechanism from the perspective of reform and development, draw lessons from foreign experience, and attempt bold domestic experiments.
目的:观察中西医结合治疗精液不液化的临床疗效。方法对照组采用传统的中药知柏地黄丸汤剂(知母8黄柏10山茱萸10淮山药10茯苓20丹皮10泽泻15熟地20)1剂/d反渣,共连用90 d。治
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