
来源 :抗日战争研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:editorzhou
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本文以先后任国民政府国防设计委员会秘书长和军委会资源委员会秘书长的翁文灏为中心 ,考察 1 932年国防设计委员会成立至 1 938年初战时经济体制建立期间 ,国民政府以工矿业为重点的抗战经济准备工作。作者认为国防设计委员会的成立 ,标志国民政府抗战准备工作的开始。1 935年 4月国防设计委员会改组为资源委员会 ,成为国民政府经济备战中最重要的部门之一。其所做工作在抗战初期确发挥了一定作用 :一 ,开展调查设计工作 ,为制订政策、战时动员及后方经济建设提供了基本依据。二 ,主办特矿贸易 ,换取了重要且希缺的外国贷款 ,进口了大量武器和工业设备。三 ,经济备战工作吸引和组织了国内一大批学者和技术专家投入到对日抗战工作中 ,同时也为抗战时期的后方经济建设储备了人才。四 ,主持厂矿内迁运动 ,改变了中国工业的不合理布局 ,推动了内地工业的发展 ,促进了战时后方经济开发建设。国民政府经济备战工作也存在着很大的局限性 ,客观效果亦有限 ,不应盲目夸大 ,以偏盖全 This article has served as Secretary-General of the National Defense Design Council and the Secretary-General of the Resources Committee of the Central Military Commission, Wen Wah-ho as the center, inspected the National Defense Design Commission from 1932 to 1938, the establishment of the initial period of the war, the Kuomintang government focused on the mining industry Economic war preparations. The author believes that the establishment of the National Defense Design Commission marks the beginning of the preparations for the war of resistance by the Kuomintang government. April 1, 1935 The National Defense Design Commission was reorganized into a resource committee and became one of the most important departments in the economic preparations for the National Government. Their work did play a certain role in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War. First, conducting investigations and design work provided the basic basis for formulating policies, mobilization in wartime and economic construction in the rear. Second, hosting the special trade in exchange for important and lacking foreign loans and importing large quantities of weapons and industrial equipment. Third, the preparations for economic readiness attract and organize a large number of scholars and technical experts in China to devote themselves to the anti-Japanese war work against Japan while also reserving talents for the rear-end economic construction during the war of resistance against Japan. 4. Hosting factories and mines in-house movement changed the unreasonable layout of China’s industry, promoted the development of the industries in the hinterland, and promoted the economic development and construction of the rear wartime. The national government also has great limitations in preparing for its economy. Its objective effects are also limited. It should not be blindly exaggerated to cover the whole
古罗马早期平民的身份地位问题长期以来存在着许多争论和误解。由于罗马平民的主体是外来的 ,因此平民与罗马人民同他们定居和劳动的土地的关系本质不同。平民在政治、法律、
南阳升仙画像石的产生和盛行有着深厚的文化背景 ,儒术凭借政治力量获得一尊地位之后 ,将道学排斥在主流文化之外 ,道学只好披着类似宗教的外衣遁入人的内心 ,影响着人的行为
中世纪英国贵族和议会多次提出“国王必须靠自己过活” ,即国王应该像其他封建主那样依靠自己的习惯收入 ,维持王室的生活和国家正常的行政开支 ,只有在战争时期才能向全国臣
相关的考古发现和研究以及文献记载表明 ,陶唐氏所居之“唐”地不在晋南地区 ,而是位于豫北地区。晋南的唐国始于晚商时期 ,此前本地无“唐”的地名。豫北地区作为后岗二期文
本文在模糊集上研究了不确定性军事冲突态势的变化模式 ,即 Nash协商对策模式、协调模式、谈判偏好模式、谈判让步模式和战争模式 ;探讨了不同模式下对应的 Nash均衡域、协商
《海录》是记述当时海外邻近国际航线的各国、各地区、各城市见闻的著作。《海录》对南中国海岛屿、航线的记述 ,对研究 19世纪初中国南海海疆具有重要价值。《海录》是清代