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中央档案馆为了庆祝建馆30周年,布置了一个展览室。现就我们布置展览的一些做法,作一简单介绍。一、怎样拟订展览计划展览计划的内容包括:展览的名称(或暂定名);展览的目的及指导思想;展览形式和表现方法;展览地点和规模;展览的组织和领导;展览的经费;完成展览的日期。我们这次展览的目的是,把中央档案馆30年的工作成就和馆藏,加以浓缩和提炼,使馆内外的专业人员,利用者和来馆的领导同志,能够全面、系统、准确地了解中央档案馆的基本面貌。整个展览分了两大部分,第一部分是馆史,第二部分是馆藏。总的指导思想是,既要注意全面,又要有重点。根据中央档案馆的实际情况,在馆史部分,重点突出中央档案馆始终是在党中央、国务院和中央领导同志的亲切关怀下发展的。突出党的十一届三中 In order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Central Archives, an exhibition hall was set up. Here is a brief introduction of some of the practices we have in arranging exhibitions. First, how to develop the exhibition plan The exhibition plan includes: the name of the exhibition (or tentative name); the purpose and guiding ideology of the exhibition; the form and performance of the exhibition; the location and scale of the exhibition; the organization and leadership of the exhibition; The date of completion of the exhibition. The purpose of this exhibition is to enrich and refine the work achievements and collections of the Central Archives for 30 years. Professionals, users and visiting leaders in the museum can understand the central archives in a comprehensive, systematic and accurate manner Museum of the basic appearance. The whole exhibition is divided into two parts, the first part is the museum history, the second part is the collection. The general guiding principle is that we should pay attention to both comprehensive and important points. According to the actual situation of the Central Archives, in the part of the history of the museum, the Central Archives has always been under the cordial concern and care of the Central Party Committee, the State Council and the central leading comrades. Outstanding third party in the eleventh
农业是中国的基础产业和战略产业。改革开放后,中共中央先后公布10个一号文件,以促进农村的改革与发展。 Agriculture is China’s basic industry and strategic industry.
一、取得的主要效益分析 1、应用计算机的社会效益分析。我馆档案利用的课题多来自中央或军队和地方的领导机关。从利用人次上看数量不是很大,但从查找和阅览档案资料的范围