
来源 :卫生研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windFWF1992
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为了解中国改水降氟措施的管理、使用情况及其防治地方性氟中毒的效果,本课题在全国饮水型地方性氟中毒流行严重的10省市,整群抽样调查了1960个改水降氟工程,约占全部工程的10%。本次回顾性调查采用了统一方法,统一标准与统一表格进行,调查结果输入计算机数据库进行统计分析与效果评价。本项课题研究的全部结果,陆续发表于《卫生研究》1998年1~3期。本期为全国改水降氟措施效果评价。结果表明,改水降氟措施对防治地方性氟中毒发挥了良好效果,水氟浓度基本能控制在1mg/L范围,氟斑牙患病率控制在30%~40%,且以轻度氟斑牙为主。一些改水降氟工程随着时间的延长、管理措施与监测工作放松降氟效果下降,加之水氟自然回升等原因,使饮水氟浓度与氟斑牙患病率有上升趋势。在改水措施中,主要为改换水源,以打井为主。理化降氟只宜在少数无低氟水源地区实行,因其费用昂贵,管理技术要求高,水量小,在农村不易坚持。今后改水降氟措施的主要方向应推广改用低氟水源,加强管理;地方病防治与卫生防疫部门要坚持水氟浓度与儿童氟斑牙的监测工作,建立计算机监测档案,以保证改水降氟措施更好地发挥作用。 In order to understand the management and use of water-reducing and fluoride-reducing measures in China and their effects of preventing and controlling endemic fluorosis, this project investigated 1060 water-reducing and water-reducing projects in 10 provinces and cities with serious endemic fluorosis in drinking-water areas in China. Fluorine project, accounting for about 10% of all projects. The retrospective survey adopted a unified method, unified standards and unified form, the survey results into the computer database for statistical analysis and evaluation of the results. The full results of this research project, one after another published in “Health Research” 1998 1 ~ 3 period. This issue for the national water and fluoride measures the effect of evaluation. The results showed that the water-reducing and fluoride-reducing measures played a good role in the prevention and treatment of endemic fluorosis. The fluoride concentration in water was controlled at 1mg / L, the prevalence of dental fluorosis was controlled at 30% -40% Main spot. With the extension of time, some water-reducing and fluoride-reducing projects have reduced the effect of reducing the fluorine-lowering effect of monitoring measures and monitoring work, combined with the natural recovery of water-fluorine. This has led to an upward trend in the fluoride concentration in drinking water and the prevalence of dental fluorosis. In the water diversion measures, mainly to change the water source, mainly to wells. Physical and chemical fluoride should only be implemented in a few areas without low-fluorine water, because of its high cost, high management and technical requirements, small amount of water, difficult to maintain in rural areas. In the future, the main direction of water and fluoride reduction measures should be to promote the use of low-fluoride water sources and strengthen management; endemic disease prevention and epidemic prevention departments should adhere to the monitoring of water fluoride concentration and children’s dental fluorosis, and establish computer monitoring archives to ensure water diversion Fluoride measures work better.