
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glorfinde
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关于张发仁问题的讨论会开始以来,我们已收到各地读者的来稿近四百件。大部份来稿对张发仁是可以教好的这一点,发表的意见较多,但是如何针对张发仁的个性、特征进行教育,还缺乏深入的全面的分析,对清江市有关学校教师的责难多,但能够提高到教育思想、观点上来分析、批判的较少。希望大家今后来信注意到这一点,使讨论能深入一步。这一期我们又发表了清江市老壩口小学三位教师的来稿颐侨衔泄匮5睦鲜Χ哉庖晃侍饽芄欢喾⒈硪饧?多提供情况是好的,也是编者所期望的。因此,他们的来稿尽管是情况介绍得还不够清楚,对问题的研究还不够深入、细致,我们还是把它发表了出来,以提供大家参考。但是,希望有关学校的教师,今后来稿应注意上面所提到的几点,我们也希望清江市文教科以及有关学校的老师,对这一期发表的王村同志的意见加以认真考虑。 Since the seminar on Zhang Fa Ren started, we have received nearly 400 contributions from readers all over the world. However, how to educate Zhang Fa-ren about his personality and characteristics is still lack of an in-depth and comprehensive analysis. There are many accusations about the school teachers in Qingjiang City, but most of them are difficult to teach. Can be raised to educational thinking, point of view to analyze, criticize less. I hope everyone will take note of this in a letter so that the discussion can go further. In this issue, we also published contributions from three teachers from Laobaobaokou Primary School in Qingjiang City. It is good to provide more information as well as to the editor. Expected. Therefore, although their presentations are still not sufficiently clear about the manuscript, their study on the issue is not yet thorough and detailed. We have also published it to provide a reference for everyone. However, I hope teachers of schools concerned will pay attention to the points mentioned above in future contributions. We also hope that the Qingjiang Culture and Education Branch and the teachers in the schools concerned will seriously consider the opinions expressed by Comrade Wangcun published in this issue.
我校二十位教师,通过学习江苏教育第九期“施新民、曹德林两烈士抢救?落水学生光荣殉职的事迹“和十一期短评”记取上谷小学失火事件的惨痛教 Twenty teachers of our scho
  稻曲病(Rice false smut)是一种世界性水稻真菌病害,在亚洲、非洲和美洲等许多国家和地区都有发生。它是由稻曲病菌(Ustilaginoidea virens)侵染水稻籽粒引起的。在我国,随
读了“我们应该怎样对待张发仁这样的孩子?”一文以後,我有一点意见: 首先,我认为编辑部对这一事件的调查研究不够深入,对清江市老坝口、桥南、纪家楼等三个学校对张发仁同
  水稻细菌性条斑病是由Xanthomans oryzae pv.oryzicola引起的一种重要的检疫性病害.水稻受细菌性条斑病菌侵染后,叶片变锈红、枯黄甚至枯死,空秕率增多,千粒重降低,一般可减
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