Investigations into thermoluminescence and afterglow characterization of strontium aluminates with b

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The effects of strontium aluminates of SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+(SAED) and boron-modified SAED (BSAED) phases synthesized from a sol-gel process on thermoluminescence (TL) along with their afterglow properties were systematically investigated with thermal activation in the different atmospheres. The result showed that the addition of boron and the reduction routes of Eu3+to Eu2+ in SrAl2O4:Dy3+were related to phosphorescent decay properties. The aid of Dy3+to induce the hole-trapping effect required both SAED and BSAED to be heated at 1300°C under the H2/N2(5%:95%) atmosphere. However, the trapping behavior of the reductions of SAED in nitrogen was similar to the compound without Dy3+co-doping SrAl2O4:Eu2+ (SAE) in H2/N2(5%:95%). BSAED showed deeper traps in situ compared to SAED which contained no boron, and this led to the better afterglow properties of BSAED than those of SAED. The afterglow spectrum of BSAED showed two peaks at 400±1 nm and 485±1 nm, which were two individuals composed and contributed from different depths of traps at 0.57 and 0.76eV, accordingly. The depth of the traps was calculated from the Hoogenstraaten’s plot of glow curves. The calculations for SAED and SAE were at around 0.43 and 0.18eV, respectively. The effects of strontium aluminates of SrAl2O4: Eu2 +, Dy3 + (SAED) and boron-modified SAED (BSAED) synthesized synthetically with with after activation of the different atmospheres The result showed that the addition of boron and the reduction routes of Eu3 + to Eu2 + in SrAl2O4: Dy3 + were related to phosphorescent decay properties. The aid of Dy3 + to induce the hole-trapping effect required both both SAED and BSAED to be heated However, the trapping behavior of the reductions of SAED in nitrogen was similar to the compound without Dy3 + co-doping SrAl2O4: Eu2 + (SAE) in H2 / N2 (5%: 95% BSAED showed deeper traps in situ compared to SAED which contained no boron, and this led to the better afterglow properties of BSAED than those of SAED. The afterglow spectrum of BSAED showed two peaks at 400 ± 1 nm and 485 ± 1 nm, which were two individuals composed and contributed from different depths of traps at 0.57 and 0.76 eV, accordingly. The depth of the traps was calculated from the Hoogenstraaten’s plot of glow curves. The calculations for SAED and SAE were at around 0.43 and 0.18 eV, respectively.
1 妊娠合并乙肝的诊断乙肝又称血清性肝炎,其病毒为脱氧核糖核酸病毒。乙肝主要通过注射途径和密切的日常生活接触而传播。潜伏期为6周~6个月。其临床症状和甲型肝炎相似,前
1 病历摘要患者27岁,住院号454925。原发不孕4年,月经稀发9年,逐渐加重,最长停经时间7个月,孕酮撤退阳性,BBT单相,B超及腹腔镜检提示多囊卵巢,输卵管通畅,血PRL 34μg/L。因
长寿综合征(Iongevity Syndromes)包括家族性高高密度脂蛋白血症和家族性低低密度脂蛋白血症。本征是1975年Glueck等根据家族性高HDL血症和家族性低 Longevity syndrome (I