
来源 :医学动物防制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w9iij9ijwhr
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目的:观察残存嗜人按蚊种群密度和自然消长,探讨种群扩散的可能性.方法:以通宵人饵帐诱法计算叮人率,以清晨人房搜捕法长期观察嗜人按蚊种群变化及其自然消长.结果:1986~1996年观察期间,残存嗜人按蚊自然种群从未见明显增加,长期维持较低密度,平均叮人率为1.08只/m.n,人房搜捕法每次仅捕获2.2只,当地嗜人按蚊活动高峰期出现于6~7月.茶场、四公里林场和下洪元观察点的残存嗜人按蚊分别于1992和1997年相继自然消失,此后未再捕及,三都自然村和周围村落观察期间从未发现嗜人按蚊.结论:嗜人按蚊未发现扩散,水稻田实行轮灌和冬季烤田是影响嗜人按蚊种群密度并导致消失的主要原因.“,”Objectivi: To survey the population dynamics and spreading of the surviving An. anthropophagus. Methods: The density by bitting rate with 2 man-net baiting in nights and dynamic population were made the observation 1986-2000. Results: The population of An. anthropophagus was no found the increase distinctly all times, the bitting rate average was 1. 08/m. n and 2. 2 were caught in the dwelling all village. It was found the natural die out in the Tea Plantation and Forestry in 1992 and Xiahongyan village in 1997 respectively. An. anthropophagus no be found in the adjacent village in the times of survey all. Conclusion: An. anthropophagus was the lower density and matural die out and no be spreaded from the survey spots as a result of the rice field were carried out irrigating and drained replace in growing and where drained in winter.
The pro’blem of identifying the property of singularity loci of Gough-Stewart manipulators is addressed. After constructing the Jacobian matrix of the Gough-St
随着一次性医疗用品的普及,医疗垃圾相应增多。这些含有大量致病性微生物的垃圾若处理不当,势必污染环境、传播疾病,给人民群众的健康带来威胁,也困扰着医院的发展。1 存在的