Analysis of error performance on Turbo coded FDPIM

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kr1983
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Due to variable symbol length of digital pulse interval modulation(DPIM),it is difficult to analyze the error performances of Turbo coded DPIM.To solve this problem,a fixed-length digital pulse interval modulation(FDPIM) method is provided.The FDPIM modulation structure is introduced.The packet error rates of uncoded FDPIM are analyzed and compared with that of DPIM.Bit error rates of Turbo coded FDPIM are simulated based on three kinds of analytical models under weak turbulence channel.The results show that packet error rate of uncoded FDPIM is inferior to that of uncoded DPIM.However,FDPIM is easy to be implemented and easy to be combined.with Turbo code for soft-decision because of its fixed length.Besides,the introduction of Turbo code in this modulation can decrease the average power about 10 dBm,which means that it can improve the error performance of the system effectively. Due to variable symbol length of digital pulse interval modulation (DPIM), it is difficult to analyze the error performances of Turbo coded DPIM.To solve this problem, a fixed-length digital pulse interval modulation (FDPIM) method is provided. The FDPIM modulation structure is introduced. The packet error rates of uncoded FDPIM are analyzed and compared with that of DPIM.Bit error rates of Turbo coded FDPIM are simulated based on three kinds of analytical models under weak turbulence channel. The results show that packet error rate of uncoded FDPIM is inferior to that of uncoded DPIM. However, FDPIM is easy to be implemented and easy to be combined. With Turbo code for soft-decision because of its fixed length. Besides, the introduction of Turbo code in this modulation can decrease the average power about 10 dBm, which means that it can improve the error performance of the system effectively.
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