Current Application of Search Engines and Their Developing Trend

来源 :Journal of DongHua University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhujiaqiao
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FAN Xiao-wen School of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang,110016The basic types of current search engines which can help users to perfume laborious information-gathering tasks on Internet is proposed. Basically, the search engines can be classified into index engine, directory engine and agent engine on WWW information service. The key technologies of web mine, automatic classifying of documents and ordering regulation of feedback information are discussed. Finally, the developing trend of search engines is pointed out by analyzing their practical application on World Wide Web. FAN Xiao-wen School of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang, 110016The basic types of current search engines which can help users to perfume laborious information-gathering tasks on Internet is proposed. Basically, the search engines can classified into index engine, directory engine and agent engine on WWW information service. The key technologies of web mine, automatic classifying of documents and ordering regulation of feedback information are discussed. Finally, the developing trend of search engines is pointed out by analyzing their practical application on World Wide Web.
本文的主要内容是探讨在开放教育的新形势下 ,县级电大的办学思路 ,县级电大如何确立自己的位置。文章认为应在原有的基础上 ,进一步拓展办学空间 ,采取提高办学层次、联合办
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