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地州图书馆承担着区域文献信息资源传播的重任。目前,地州公共图书馆信息化建设面临着经费短缺,主动服务地方经济社会发展的能力较弱;信息化水平较低,服务能力难以适应经济社会发展需要;馆员亟待继续教育等一系列问题。地州公共图书馆信息化建设要重视明确发展方向和任务,重视解决好图书馆网络兼容性不强的问题,重视解决服务地方经济社会发展能力不强的问题。为此,必须加快标准化、规范化数据库建设;坚持高起点、高标准建设信息化图书馆;坚持以服务地方经济社会发展为重点,突出地方优势与特色文献信息资源;坚持推进图书馆员的继续教育,不断提高馆员的专业技能和服务核心能力。 The prefectural library undertakes the task of disseminating regional literature and information resources. At present, the construction of information system of prefectural public libraries faces a shortage of funds, the initiative to serve local economic and social development is weak; the level of informationization is low, the service capability is difficult to meet the needs of economic and social development; librarians need to continue education and a series of problems . The information construction of prefectural public libraries should pay attention to clearly defining the direction and tasks of development, attach importance to solving the problem of poor network compatibility in libraries, and attach importance to solving the problem of the service capability of local economic and social development is not strong. To this end, we must speed up the standardization and standardization of database construction; adhere to a high starting point, a high standard of information technology library; adhere to the service of local economic and social development as the focus, highlighting local advantages and characteristics of the literature and information resources; continue to promote the continued education of librarians , Continue to improve the librarian’s professional skills and service core competencies.
针对冶金厂房中使用的带导向轮的多功能吊车钢吊车梁的受力特点,阐述了此种吊车梁的设计计算方法。 In view of the force characteristics of multi-purpose crane steel c
简要介绍了对常低温COS催化水解催化剂TGH-3Q进行动力学规律的研究,并给出了研究结果,可供使用单位参考借鉴。 The kinetics of TGH-3Q catalytic activity at normal tempe
通过分析动车组运用所在机械动力设备管理方面存在的问题,提出在目前的管理模式下如何进行管理措施优化的具体方案。 By analyzing the problems existing in the managemen