Screening of Suitable Sowing Date for Yumi 2 in Arid Area of Western Heilongjiang Province

来源 :亚洲农业研究:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:exiayouhun
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In order to determine the best sowing date of the main cultivar Yumi 2 of Shaanxi Province in western Heilongjiang Province,taking Yumi 2 as experimental materials,five sowing periods were set: May 8( B1),May 18( B2),May 28( B3),June 7( B4),and June 17( B
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<正> 龙海东部经济区域地处闽南九龙江出海口,厦门港的南岸,包括海澄镇、浮宫镇、港尾镇、东园镇、白水镇、东泗乡和隆教畲族民族乡等五镇二乡,总面积478平方公里,总人口29.9
Firstly,this paper analyzes the cause of obstacles to continuous cropping of vegetables,and then introduces the soil ecological remediation technology used for