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报道一种可精确同步输出宽带啁啾脉冲、纳秒级整形脉冲以及窄带光参量啁啾放大抽运脉冲的全光纤多种子激光脉冲产生系统.采用掺镱光纤锁模激光器和掺镱单纵模光纤振荡器作为系统的光源,将掺镱光纤锁模激光器输出的超短脉冲分束啁啾展宽至0.9ns后,一路进行放大产生10μJ量级的宽带啁啾脉冲为高能拍瓦激光器系统提供种子光脉冲,另一路通过1.2nm滤波产生140ps的基元脉冲,通过光纤堆积器产生可编程整形的2.3ns脉冲,再经过放大达到10μJ量级,提供任意整形的压缩脉冲.同时,将部分掺镱光纤锁模激光器输出的超短脉冲进行光电转换并锁相后,产生与锁模超短脉冲高精度同步的电脉冲用于触发幅度调制器,将掺镱单纵模光纤振荡器输出的连续光削波放大,产生光参量啁啾放大抽运脉冲.该系统能够根据物理实验的需要,非常灵活地在输出各种脉冲之间做出选择. An all-fiber multi-seed laser pulse generating system capable of precisely synchronizing broadband chirped pulse, nanosecond shaping pulse and narrow-band optical parametric chirp amplification pumping pulse is reported.It uses a ytterbium-doped fiber mode-locking laser and a ytterbium-doped single longitudinal mode Optical fiber oscillator as a system of light source, the ytterbium-doped fiber mode-locked laser output ultrashort pulse splitting chirp broadened to 0.9ns, all the way to amplify to produce 10μJ wide-band chirped pulse high energy watt-watt laser system to provide seeds Light pulse, the other way through the 1.2nm filter to generate 140ps primitive pulse, through the optical fiber storage device can produce 2.3ns programmable pulse shaping, and then amplified to the order of 10μJ, to provide arbitrary shaped compression pulse.Meanwhile, part of the ytterbium Optical fiber mode-locked laser output short-pulse photoelectric conversion and phase-locked, and the generation of ultrashort pulse with high precision synchronized with the electrical pulse trigger amplitude modulator, the Yb-doped single-mode optical fiber oscillator output continuous light Chopper amplification, resulting in optical parametric chirp amplification pumping pulse.The system can be based on the needs of physical experiments, a very flexible choice between the output of various pulses.
本文具体分析了萨满造型艺术在高校绘画教学中的应用条件及应用方法,以求为高校的绘画本土化教学做出贡献。 This article analyzes the application conditions and applic
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摘 要国画中除了有画,还有根据画的意境提的诗,这不仅是对画的画龙点睛之笔,还有其独特的情怀与精神。情怀问题指的自然是人文问题,情怀与人文通常是一对可以挂钩的词语,而精神层面指的自然就是国画中的诗意。一副好的国画除了必要的诗情画意,人文关怀也是必不可少的,那么,这就牵扯到国画的画家以及源远流长的中国文化。  【关键词】国画;情怀与精神;人文关怀;中国文化  中国文化流传了几千年,其底蕴之深厚即使我们
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