,Effects of high-intensity focused ultrasound on cisplatin-resistant human lung adenocarcinoma in vi

来源 :生物化学与生物物理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sswang111
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It is widely accepted that high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a minimally invasive treatment option for different tumors,but its roles and the corresponding mechanism in cisplatin (DDP) chemoresistance in lung adenocarcinoma (LA) remain unclear.In this study,we investigated the response of DDP-resistant LA cells to HIFU and its underlying molecular mechanisms using molecular biology techniques.It was found that HIFU exposure inhibited the proliferation of DDP-resistant A549 (A549/DDP) cells through arresting cell cycle at the G1/G0 phase via the Cyclin-dependent pathway and promoting apoptosis in a Bcl-2-dependent manner.Furthermore,the results also showed that HIFU exposure could down-regulate the expressions of MDR1,MRP1,and LRP mRNAs,as well as P-gp,MRP1,and LRP proteins related to drug resistance in A549/DDP cells.In vivo experiments also demonstrated that HIFU could reduce the size and mass of subcutaneously transplanted tumors produced by A549/DDP cells through mediating Cyclin-dependent and Bcl-2-dependent pathways.These results suggested that HIFU treatment could inhibit the proliferation of DDP-resistant lung cancer cells and might be a novel therapeutic method for patients with DDP resistance.
甜瓜(Cucumis melo L.2n=24)属于葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)甜瓜属(Cucumis)蔓生草本植物。甜瓜是世界上重要的果用蔬菜作物,自上世纪90年代以来甜瓜产业进入快速增长时期,甜瓜的
甘蓝类植物(Brassica oleracea L.),尤其是结球甘蓝(Brassica oleracea L var. capitata L.)是广泛栽培于世界各地的十字花科芸薹属植物,因其适应性及抗逆性强,栽培容易,且营
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