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今年是世界反法西斯战争胜利五十周年。这场战争的胜利,不仅解救了法西斯的铁蹄下的各国人民,还造就了一个世界瞩目的杰出统帅,他就是盟军最高统帅、后来的美国总统——艾森豪威尔五星上将。在他获得巨大成功的背后,除了众所周知的他在军事上和政治上的杰出才能外, This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war. The victory of this war not only saved all peoples under the heels of fascism, but also created an outstanding commander with a world-wide attention. He was the top commander of the Allied Forces and later the five-star general of U.S. President Eisenhower. Behind his great success, in addition to his well-known military and political excellence,
她的音乐会让路过的人都停下脚步,走进她的音乐王国中,你会为她所动容。她的灵魂会让你欣喜,因为它纯粹得没有瑕疵,和她的音乐一样。 Her concerts stopped the passing peo
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傅京孙教授离开我们已整整十年了,在我们这些曾在他身边工作过的学者眼中,他既是一位具有很高国际威望的杰出科学家,又是一位可敬的师长。 Professor Fu Jingsun left us f
Background Ouabain, a cardiac glycoside that specifically binds to Na/K-ATPase and inhibits its activity, was applied to gerbils to develop a method for studyin
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