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中国民营科技正面临良好机遇,迎来发展高潮,民营科技企业家都感到鼓舞。中华全国工商业联合会副主席、中国民营科技实业家协会理事长王治国同志对民营科技发展的大好机遇,自然有着特别深刻的体会。举世瞩目的党的十五大召开前夕,王治国在庐山主持了一个关于中国民营科技发展战略的研讨会。“横看成岭侧成峰”、“飞流直下三千尺”的雄伟自然景色,可能此时更能激发出王治国踌躇满志的情怀。当我们谈起民营科技企业如何迎接新的机遇与挑战时,他的热情与信心溢于言表。王治国指出现在正是民营科技大发展的最好时机。他相信,党的十五大以后,随着国民经济结构的调整,各种符合中国国情的经营管理模式都将得到尝试。民营科技企业大有可为。 China’s private technology is facing good opportunities and ushering in a development boom. Private technology entrepreneurs are encouraged. Mr. Wang Zhiguo, vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and chairman of the China Association of Private Technology Businessmen, naturally has a particularly profound experience in the opportunities for the development of private science and technology. On the eve of the 15th National Congress of the Party that attracted worldwide attention, Wang Zhiguo presided over a seminar on China’s private technology development strategy in Sheshan. The magnificent natural scenery of “Looking into the side of the mountain into the peak” and “three thousand feet under the fly” may inspire even greater emotions in Wang Zhiguo’s ambition. When we talked about how private technology companies meet new opportunities and challenges, his enthusiasm and confidence spill over into words. Wang Zhiguo pointed out that now is the best time for the development of private science and technology. He believes that after the 15th National Party Congress, with the adjustment of the national economic structure, various business management models that conform to China’s national conditions will be tried. Private technology companies have a lot to offer.
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同学们在写作文的过程中,有时会遇到这样一种困惑:围绕一个话题,如果仅从一个“点”集中来写,总觉得有些单薄,缺乏广度和深度;如果从数个“点”铺展开来写,却又受考场时间和字数限制,而且也不易把每个“点”都写细写实。那么,如何兼顾二者呢?你不妨试试“散点铺排式”构思。  技法讲解:  所谓“散点铺排式”,即紧紧围绕话题,运用发散性思维,从不同的层面和角度去解读话题。“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”,此
排比,是修辞方法的一种,若用于语言的表达,可收到句式整齐、语调铿锵、气贯长虹、意蕴深厚的效果,使行文更加丰满、有 Row ratio is a kind of rhetorical method. If it is