Clinical and dermoscopic features of surgically treated melanocytic nevi: a retrospective study of 1

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmcemil
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Background:Compared with Caucasians,unique demographic and clinical features have been reported in Chinese patients with malignant melanoma,but similar comparative studies of melanocytic nevi (MN) are lacking.This study examined the clinical and dermoscopic featuresof MN in surgically treated Chinese cases.Methods:Clinical data and dermoscopic findings from 1046 cases of MN were collected and analyzed.Cases were treated from January 1 to December 31,2014 at the Department of Dermatology and Venerology,Peking University First Hospital.The association between nevi location and histologic subtypes was examined with Chi-squared test and univariate logistic regression.Chi-squared test was also used to analyze the proportion of globular patts across different body sites,and proportion of parallel furrow patts across different histologic subtypes.Results:The majority of the nevi were from female patients,irrespective of location.The range of age at the time of nevi onset was from 0 (birth) to 79 years.There were 381 (36.4%,381/1046) congenital nevi;of these 81.6% (311/381) were present at birth.Nevi appeared before 30 years of age in 83.2% (870/1046) of the cases.Median values of length growth rate in congenital and acquired MN were 2.0 and 1.6,respectively.Median values of length growth rates in four age groups (0-9,10-19,20-29,and ≥30 years) of congenital nevi were 2.2,2.0,2.4,and 2.0,respectively.In acral nevi,which often need to be differentiated from acral lentiginous melanoma,50.2% (109/217) were junctional (odds ratio [OR];95% confidence interval [CI]:91.572 [52.210-160.959],P < 0.05).Acral location was also associated with a higher likelihood of compound nevi subtype (OR [95% CI]:14.468 [8.981-23.306],P < 0.05).The globular (59.4%,354/596) and pseudonetwork (48.8%,291/596) dermoscopic patts were often seen in the head and neck region.In areas other than head and neck and acral regions,the globular patt was the commonest patt (34.8 %,71/204) regardless of age.Parallel furrow patt occurred in 46.0% (87/189) of acral MN,followed by fibrillar patt (21.7%,41/189).Conclusion:Unique clinical and dermoscopic features exist in Chinese patients with MN compared with observations reported in other population.
关键词:名医经验;韩斐;异病同治;从肝论治;咳嗽;流涎;腹痛  中图分类号:R272.95 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2012)08-0085-02  韩斐系中国中医科学院广安门医院儿科主任医师、教授、研究生导师,其治学严谨,经验丰富,善治小儿脾胃病、抽动症、肺系疾病及小儿疑难杂症,疗效显著。笔者有幸随诊身旁,窥其一斑,尤其对其异病同治之法,从肝论治儿科杂病,感触颇深,现举案3
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