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随着教育改革的进一步深化,对小学生实施素质教育已是大势所趋。培养正常学业以外的能力例如绘画能力,更有助于学生素质的全面发展。在对小学生的绘画教学中,创造辅导是美术教育中比较重要的部分,对学生绘画水平的提升有着直接作用。本文主要就小学生绘画创作辅导的重要性,以及对小学生绘画创作辅导的具体实施策略进行详细探究。 With the further deepening of education reform, the implementation of quality education for primary school students is the trend of the times. Cultivating abilities other than normal academic studies such as drawing skills can also contribute to the overall development of students’ qualities. In the teaching of painting for primary school students, the creation of guidance is a relatively important part of art education, which has a direct effect on the improvement of students’ drawing skills. This paper mainly discusses the importance of primary school students ’painting creation counseling and the detailed implementation strategies of primary school students’ painting creation counseling.
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浙江省水利厅1993年度科技进步奖获奖项目浙江省水利厅1993年度科技进步奖获奖项目... Zhejiang Provincial Department of Water Resources, 1993 Scientific and Technologica
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