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目的了解铜陵市铸造技术工人职业紧张状况,分析其影响因素。方法采用整群抽样的方法抽取某国营企业和私营铸造企业员工进行问卷调查,采取自行设计的一般人口学问卷和职业紧张目录问卷(OSI-R)对985名员工进行问卷调查,并将铸造业工人(651人)的职业紧张情况与后勤和管理人员(对照组,255人)及西南地区技术工人常模进行比较分析。结果工人组职业任务问卷(ORQ)和紧张反应问卷PSQ得分分别为(153.73±23.48)和(89.26±21.09)分,高于对照组(144.21±23.15)和(83.69±16.74)分,低于技术工人常模。工人组应对资源问卷(PRQ)得分为(121.58±19.14)分,低于对照组(129.96±19.17)的得分,高于技术工人常模(P<0.01)。工人组与对照组人员比较,职业任务重,紧张反应强,同时个体应对资源能力较弱,与技术常模比较职业任务、紧张反应有所改善。单因素分析表明,影响铸造工人职业任务和紧张反应的个体因素有性别、年龄、文化程度、家庭人均收入、有无疾病、是否发生过工伤、是否吸烟和饮酒、睡眠状况等;多元逐步回归分析表明,个体紧张反应主要影响因素为职业任务、工作环境、自我保健、学历、任务冲突以及社会支持、理处事和休闲娱乐。结论铸造工人有较高的职业紧张水平,同时应对能力较差,建议企业应从减轻职业任务、改善工作环境、加强健康教育,丰富职工业余文化生活方面入手,有效缓解工人职业紧张,提高应对能力。 Objective To understand occupational stress in casting workers in Tongling City and analyze the influencing factors. Methods A cluster sampling method was used to select a state-owned enterprise and private foundry staff to conduct a questionnaire survey. 985 employees were surveyed using the self-designed general population questionnaire and the Occupational Stress Inventory questionnaire (OSI-R), and the foundry industry The occupational stress situation of workers (651) was compared with that of logistics and management staff (control group, 255) and the skilled workers in Southwest China. Results The scores of ORQ and PSQ in the workers group were (153.73 ± 23.48) and (89.26 ± 21.09) points higher than those in the control group (144.21 ± 23.15) and (83.69 ± 16.74) points, respectively, Workers norm. The PRQ score of workers group was (121.58 ± 19.14) points lower than that of control group (129.96 ± 19.17), higher than that of regular workers (P <0.01). Compared with the control group, the worker group and the control group had heavy occupational tasks and strong tension, while the individual ability to deal with the resource was weak. Compared with the technical norms, the occupational tasks were more improved, and the tension response improved. Univariate analysis showed that the individual factors that affect the occupational tasks and stress response of foundry workers were gender, age, educational level, per capita income of the family, whether the disease, whether there had been injury, whether smoking and drinking, sleep, etc. Multiple stepwise regression analysis It shows that the main influencing factors of individual nervous reaction are occupational tasks, work environment, self-care, education, task conflict and social support, management and entertainment. Conclusion Foundry workers have high occupational stress level and poor coping ability at the same time. It is suggested that enterprises should start from reducing occupational tasks, improving work environment, strengthening health education and enriching amateur cultural life of workers so as to effectively relieve the occupational stress and improve the coping ability of workers.
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