Single Photon Scattering in a Pair of Waveguides Coupled by a Whispering-Gallery Resonator Interacti

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaoyao0313
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The single photon scattering properties in a pair of waveguides coupled by a whispering-gallery resonator interacting with a semiconductor quantum dot are investigated theoretically.The two waveguides support four possible ports for an incident single photon.The quantum dot is considered a V-type system.The incident direction-dependent single photon scattering properties are studied and equal-output probability from the four ports for a single photon incident is discussed.The influences of backscattering between the two modes of the whispering-gallery resonator for incident direction-dependent single photon scattering properties are also presented. The single photon scattering properties in a pair of waveguides coupled by a whispering-gallery resonator interacting with a semiconductor quantum dot are an theoretically. Two of the waveguides support four possible ports for an incident single photon. Quantum dot is considered a V-type system The incident direction-dependent single photon scattering properties are studied and equal-output probability from the four ports for a single photon incident is discussed. These influences of backscattering between the two modes of the whispering-gallery resonator for incident direction-dependent single photon scattering properties are also presented.
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