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基础设施和生态环境建设事关西部开发全局和西部地区长远发展能力,要按照党中央、国务院的要求,继续突出重点,力争在十年内取得突破性进展。基础设施建设要从长计议、统筹规划、科学论证、合理布局,保证干一项,成一项,尽早发挥效益。交通不便仍是西部地区经济社会发展的瓶颈,要继续加快建设,逐步形成综合交通运输网,实现通江达海,连接东西部和境内外。综合考虑公路、铁路、机场、管道甚至输电网络的相互关联和影响,使各方面资源能够合理配 The construction of infrastructure facilities and ecological environment are important for the overall development of the western region and the long-term development capability in the western region. We must continue to give prominence to the key points in accordance with the requirements of the Central Party Committee and the State Council and strive to make breakthroughs within 10 years. Infrastructure construction should be from a long discussion, co-ordination planning, scientific feasibility studies, rational distribution, to ensure that one, into one, as soon as possible to bring benefits. Traffic inconvenience is still the bottleneck in the economic and social development in the western region. We must continue to speed up construction and gradually form an integrated transportation network to reach the sea and connect the eastern and western regions with both at home and abroad. Comprehensive consideration of the interrelationship and impact of highways, railways, airports, pipelines and even transmission networks will make all aspects of resources reasonable
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。35个重点城市市场成交额 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. 35 major
一、 生产企业出口货物 (一)凡有出口经营权的生产企业自营出口或委托代理出口货物,除另有规定外,一律实行免、抵、退税办法。其会计处理方法也按此程序进行。 1. 企业购进材料时
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范泉先生病逝已经一年了,我一直很怀念他。这些日子以来,朋友们也都商议着要为他做一些事情,可是似乎并不顺利。这使我想到,他的一生本来就是十分坎坷曲折 It has been a y
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