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这篇论文简要地论述了在综合保护电路中使用一种新颖微机的研制。该保护电路为防止接地故障、不平衡负载、单相工作、过载、短路以及含阻抗的低值真正短路故障提供了保护措施。其特点是:仅用了三个传统的电流互感器就准确检测了上述提到的所有故障。研制的综合保护电路主要是一片INTEL8085A 微处理器,计划将其安装在矿用开关中,用于处理上述各种故障。当微机指示出所检测的故障类型时,驱动开关跳闸。
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In the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, public policies regarding the air quality aimed at the welfare of the population are strongly dependent on monitoring conduct
为了警告同伴有类似于蛇或豹猫这样的掠食者靠近.棕卷尾猴会发出一种特别的叫声以提醒同类赶紧逃跑。然而,在阿根廷伊瓜苏国家公园对某群棕卷尾猴进行研究时.美国学者Brandon Wh
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Cadmium (Cd), one of the most toxic heavy metals added to soil after phosphate fertilizer treatment, was investigated. The effects of this metal on morphologica