Alice’s Magical World爱丽丝的奇幻世界

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  We all dream. Some dreams are happy. Some dreams are sad. Alice has an interesting dream. She is the little girl from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland(《愛丽丝梦游仙境》). In her dream,she falls down a rabbit hole(洞). Then she goes into a magical(奇妙的) world.
  Mr. Rabbit is a white rabbit. He always wears a pocket watch(怀表). He can speak. In fact(事实上),many animals in this world can speak.
  Food is strange here. When Alice drinks from a bottle,she becomes very short. When she eats some cake,she grows taller than a house.
  The game of croquet(槌球) is different here. The mallets(球棍) are flamingoes(火烈鸟). The balls are hedgehogs(刺猬).
  Poker cards are alive(活的) in this world. They can talk and walk. The Red Heart is the queen. The other cards work for her.
  This is the Cheshire cat. He can fly. He appears(出现) and disappears(消失) at any time. He likes grinning(咧嘴笑).
  Lewis Carroll(1832-1898) wrote Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in 1865. He was a British writer. He is the father of modern fairy tales(现代童话).
  Lewis Carroll made up the story from the real “Alice”——Alice Liddell. She was the daughter of Carroll’s friend,Henry Liddell.
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哇,好多美味的食物和饮料!想吃?先等等,看看框里的量词。根据图片提示,把这些量詞密码填到正确的位置,你才能享受到对应的食物和饮料哦,快行动吧!  (答案请见P48)
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