
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fatty19830801
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We report on a paediatric observation of Cowden’ s disease in a 6- year- old child. Familial steroid- resistant nephrotic syndrome was associated to papulous and papillomatous lesions of gingiva and oral mucosa, multiple hamartoma of the back and of upper limbs, facial dysmorphism and follicular thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer evolved favorably after surgical treatment, radioactive iodine and L- thyroxin supplementation. Nephrotic syndrome evolved to chronic renal insufficiency after 11 years. The early diagnosis of Cowden’ s disease, or multiple hamartoma syndrome, allows a careful monitoring of the patients who are facing the risk of cancer transformation, which is the principal complication of the condition. We report on a pediatric observation of Cowden’s disease in a 6-year-old child. Familial steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome was associated to papulous and papillomatous lesions of gingiva and oral mucosa, multiple hamartoma of the back and of upper limbs, facial Thyroid cancer evolved favorably after surgical treatment, radioactive iodine and L-thyroxin supplementation. Nephrotic syndrome evolved to chronic renal insufficiency after 11 years. The early diagnosis of Cowden’s disease, or multiple hamartoma syndrome, allows a careful monitoring of the patients who are facing the risk of cancer transformation, which is the principal complication of the condition.
张琳,国家二级演员,1991年考进绍兴县小百花艺术学校学艺。工小生,师承尹派。 Zhang Lin, two national actors, admitted to Shaoxing County in 1991 small flower art sc
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1、初起火最易被扑灭,在消防车未到前,如能集中全力抢救,常能化险为夷,转危为安。 2、要早报警,报警愈早,损失愈小。牢记“119”火警电话。 3、要先灭火,后搬运财物,片刻延误,易成巨灾。失火