Component fractionation of temporal evolution in adsorption-desorption for binary gas mixtures on co

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gbbzwklk
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Adsorption-desorption experiments on CO2-CH4 gas mixtures with varying compositions have been conducted to study the fractionation characteristics of CO2-CH4 on Haishiwan coal samples. These were carried out at constant temperature but different equilibrium pressure conditions. Based on these experimental results, the temporal evolution of component fractionation in the field was investigated. The results show that the CO2 concentration in the adsorbed phase is always greater than that in the original gas mixture during the desorption process, while CH4 shows the opposite characteristics. This has confirmed that CO2 , with a greater adsorption ability has a predominant position in the competition with CH4 under different pressures. Where gas drainage is employed, the ratio of CO2 to CH4 varies with time and space in floor roadways used for gas drainage, and in the ventilation air in Nos.1 and 2 coal seams, which is consistent with laboratory results. Adsorption-desorption experiments on CO2-CH4 gas mixtures with varying compositions have been conducted to study the fractionation characteristics of CO2-CH4 on Haishiwan coal samples. These on carried the constant temperature but different equilibrium pressure conditions. Based on these experimental results, the temporal evolution of component fractionation in the field was investigated. The results show that the CO2 concentration in the adsorbed phase is always greater than that in the original gas mixture during the desorption process, while CH4 shows the opposite characteristics. Where a greater adsorption ability has a predominant position in the competition with CH4 under different pressures. Where gas drainage is employed, the ratio of CO2 to CH4 varies with time and space in floor roadways used for gas drainage, and in the ventilation air in Nos .1 and 2 coal seams, which is consistent with laboratory results.
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